[h3] Anna [/h3] Anna sat in silence as the male nurse sewed up her shoulder. Her mind was racing with what felt like absolute betrayal, as she stared at the wall in front of her. She could hear the nurse asking her questions, but they felt far off, and she didn’t answer any of them. Then the nurse mentioned Sam and Anna sighed, shaking her head. “No. It wasn’t him. He saved me, dragged me out.” Anna spoke matter of fact, not looking at the nurse. “Is he hurt?” The nurse asked, finishing the knot on her shoulder, and cutting the thread. He peeled open a bandage, and smoothed it out over the wound. “I don’t think so. I didn’t ask. Everything happened super fast.” Anna explained, leaning away from the nurse to stand up as he finished fixing up her shoulder. The nurse seemed to want to stop her from moving, so he could look her over, but Anna turned to him with a sigh, “I was barely injured in that whole fight, alright? It’s just the shoulder. I need to go.” The nurse protested behind Anna, but the sound was far away as she stomped out of the triage, and back toward the door to walk outside. As soon as she pressed through the double doors, the cold air hit her and that’s when the tears hit. She wiped the tears roughly with her dirty wrist, and kept walking, her aim set to Duke’s truck. [h3] Back in Surgery [/h3] “He’s crashing. We need that blood!” The assistant surgeon called out, right as the nurse busted through the doors, handing off the bags of blood to another assistant. As she placed the bags on a pole and began the process of giving Duke a transfusion, the surgeon tied of a knot, and began the process of attempting to patch the hole in Duke’s stomach. “We need to stabilize fast, but the rest is going to be up to him…” The surgeon said softly. Just as the words came out of his mouth, Duke began fighting against the tube down his throat, tilting his head back as the heart rate monitor went crazy. “Oh no…” “Should we sedate him further?” A nurse asked, but the surgeon shook his head sadly. “We can’t. He won’t wake up from that. He’s…” He started, just as Duke went completely still, his head falling limp and the monitor by his head slowly flatlining with a loud screech. Bowing his head, the surgeon stepped back, “Call it. Inform the family. There was never much hope anyway.” “Time of death…1:38 am.” [h3] Dean [/h3] Dean didn’t know what to do with his hands, in that moment. He wanted to run off and go get Nat on his own, but he knew it was a suicide mission. When Mika hugged him, he nearly lost it. He sighed, holding onto her for dear life, “I can’t lose anyone else. Mika, I can’t do it. I’m so tired of losing people…” He glanced up at the sky, tempted once more to pray, until Mika touched his face and he was brought back to her. Scanning her face, he nodded softly. She was right. They needed to get Nat back, or Duke wasn’t the only family they would lose that night. But then his phone buzzed. “Apparently Duke is still kickin’. They’re giving him blood. We can’t stay here. Mika, we have to go, you and me.” Dean murmured, trying to figure out the best way to sneak them away, without Sam being able to chase after them. As he was thinking, Anna pushed through the doors, looking more upset than she did when she walked inside. Dean reached out as she walked by, scared to death to touch her, but needing to. “Anna I need to talk to you.” “Not now, Dean. Things are a little fresh. Maybe pull the manipulative big brother speech when we’re not all on the cusp of death…” Anna snapped at him, but Dean interrupted her. “Do you care about my brother?” “What? Of course. How could you ask that…especially now?” Anna snapped back, and Dean sighed in frustration, glancing back at Duke’s truck. “If you care about my brother, you’ll tell him to not follow us. I need both of you to stay. I need both of you away from the demons we’re going after.” Dean explained as gentle as he could, causing Anna to shift from foot to foot. “Look. You can hate me for the rest of your life. You can shun me, beat me…Hell, I’ll even give you a shot at me, when all of this is over, but I need you to trust me.” “I don’t trust you.” “But I NEED you to, right now. If you don’t trust me…trust my instinct on this. Me and Mika are going to get in that car, and we’re gonna go get my sister. I need you and Sam to stay away. Please.” Dean begged her, and even as angry as Anna was with him, she couldn’t deny that Dean’s instincts were rarely wrong. She sighed, and shook her head. “You know this is a suicide mission.” “I know…” Dean muttered, causing Anna to shake her head and walk away from him and Mika, straight for the truck. Dean then turned to Mika, and gestured toward the Impala. “Let’s go.” [h3] Cason [/h3] Cason landed with a thud, his knees buckling slightly as he hit the hospital floor and stood there for a moment, allowing the spinning to stop in his head. On cue, he glanced to the side, and there she was, Esme. As he prepared to approach her, a nurse came into the room, seemingly breaking the news of Duke’s death to the woman. Cason tilted his head back, a pang of sympathy burning through his brain as the nurse spoke to her. From what he could hear, it was a simple: “Unfortunately, he crashed and there was nothing we could do. I’m so sorry, ma’am.” “Great. One down…” Cason sighed, his leg twitching with anxious frustration. Dean Winchester couldn’t see him here, but he also had to go and get Natalia. Even if Esme was upset, distraught…name your useless human emotion, she was coming with him. As soon as the nurse stepped out of the room, Cason whipped around the corner into the room in front of her. “C’mon. We gotta go. I know. It’s so sad. I feel for you, I do. But we gotta go. You’re the only person who will understand what is waiting for us when we get to the asylum and as much as it pains me to say this…I guess, your boyfriend is dead. You’re no good to him here, anymore, but you can get revenge on the ones who killed him.” Cason turned on his heel, holding his hand out with an expression that made it clear Esme didn’t have a choice but to come with him, or he would carry her, “And no…I won’t make a deal. He wouldn’t want you to do that.”