[center][h2]Kochiya Sanae[/h2][h3]Nieve — Bookstore[/h3][/center] Sanae crossed her arms and cocked her head ever so slightly to the side as Rayne spoke more on matters of money. Most of the matters regarding money were handled by Kanako-sama back in Gensokyo, after all, which meant that the young woman had seldom needed to care about managing finances for herself. Coupled with the general income from donations and all of the other side-ventures that the Moriya Shrine ran, it became readily apparent that the green-haired shrine maiden had stopped needing to worry about getting money for a decent while. Compared to the [i]others[/i], though, the young woman wasn't quite sure if she was the worst off in the bunch. Chief among her concerns was Remilia, who the young woman thought was more likely to have Sakuya balancing the checkbook of the Scarlet Devil Mansion in her stead. Hopefully the others would keep [i]that[/i] problem under wraps. "Uh... Hopefully? I'd rather not live on the road struggling to make ends meet," Sanae replied, her shoulders slumping ever so slightly before finally turning her attention back towards the mysterious hooded woman after being directly addressed—and with a convenient job opportunity if she had ever heard of one. It was convenient, sure, but the green-haired girl was far from one to look a gift horse in the mouth. "I don't mind looking into it," she replied with a shrug of her shoulders. "Letting a curse linger would be more problematic for us, anyways; with any luck, I'd probably have to deal with something like that later regardless." With that said, though, the young woman soon turned towards Rayne and scratched the back of her head. "Well, once we've finished up here, of course. If you want to tag along, I wouldn't mind the company... Though that probably depends on how much cash you've got left after buying that thing, huh?" Regardless of Rayne's answer, Sanae opted to simply follow after their mysterious benefactor as she left, all the while wondering what exactly was at play. The halfling, at least, would find that the tome was at least barely within her budget; purchasing would certainly put a bit more strain on her modest savings, but if the alternative was leaving it behind, maybe that would be worth it? [hr][center][h3]Nieve — Red-Light District[/h3][/center] "Geh." An almost instinctual reaction left Sanae's lips as the hooded woman guided her (and Rayne, if she chose to follow along) towards what was undeniably a seedier section of town. Even at a glance, the signage in the area made clear that this area was meant for those who were in search of carnal pleasure, which did not in any way improve her opinion of the place. The area was cleaner than she had expected, for what little it was worth, but the young woman had no desire to start knocking on the doors of random brothels like some traveling monk to ask of what ailed them. "Would you mind at least filling me in on the situation here? I'd rather not get caught up in anything too, uh... Shady?" Sanae asked, hoping that her response would at least [i]some[/i] direction to start working in. [@DracoLunaris][@VitaVitaAR] [hr][center][h3]Nieve — City Streets[/h3][/center] While the show of swordplay from both sides had been fairly standard (by Musashi's standards, at least), Youmu's ability to cut through the space in front of her to unleash a torrent of slashes had, admittedly, caught the pink-haired girl ever so slightly off guard. While she had expected the girl to hold some supernatural prowess, something like this was a bit further down the list of what she might have expected. Rather than immediately moving to parry the attacks, though, Musashi quickly shifted her stance to one of 'emptiness'. There was no guard, no intent to slash out and furiously cut down anything in her way. For a brief moment, her body was relaxed and showed no sign of even attempting to match the incoming strikes blow for blow. But then, the samurai simply [i]disappeared[/i]. For a brief moment, Musashi's form could not be seen in the midst of that cage of cuts and slashes; instead, all that would be audible would be shining afterimages and the sound of steel clashing against the attacks that once bore down upon her. Once the assault had ended, however, Musashi would reappear in the middle, seemingly none the worse for wear. "Pretty fancy trick you have there," Musashi finally responded, the grin on her face having never left it as she took a step back. "Should I get serious, too?" Just as the magical energy around her seemed flared up to the point where it was all but visible to the naked eye, though, the sound of clanking steel boots from all sides seemed to bear down upon the pair. "Stop!" called out one of the people that had approached the pair. "For public endangerment and disturbance of the peace, you two are under arrest! Lay down your weapons and come with us!" "Oh, I guess we're going to have to cut this one short, huh?" the pink-haired girl sighed before glancing off towards where their two companions were standing by. "I'll catch up with you later, then!" Quickly sheathing her two blades, Musashi gave Youmu a quick wink and a brief wave before [i]leaping[/i] onto the roof of a nearby building and sprinting off. Needless to say, this left Youmu in the middle of an encirclement of guards, none of whom seemed too pleased with how the situation had panned out. This wasn't to say that the smaller girl was any more pleased with the situation; if anything, she seemed to be the most irritated out of all of them. It was quite unfortunate that the white-haired girl had no further information on any of this, but confirming at least some of her suspicions would have meant that this was time well spent. What was [i]not[/i] great, however, was the fact that Musashi had not only caused a bunch of guards to gather here, but also very "subtly" thrown a message towards them before promptly making a run for it. "Of all the stupid..." the girl sighed, shaking her head as she brought one hand towards her forehead. "I'd rather not be detained, but I would be a fool to think that I could slip into a crowd when we stand out so much... Or, at the very least, that you would be able to. I'm going to follow after her; for better or worse, she's technically my responsiblity at this point. What you and your companion do from here is none of my concern." With that, the small girl began to walk in the general direction of where the pink-haired swordswoman had fled towards. How she could tell where she was headed despite the girl having left their immediate field of vision, though, was a question all it's own. [@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze] [hr][center][h3]Nieve — Mages' Guild[/h3][/center] After having been introduced by the minister in front of her, Serena finally finished dusting herself off and promptly returned the trio's greeting with one of her own. "Ahem... My apologies for the rather unsightly display. As Mr. Halmir has said, my name is Serena ei Verzhe, but please, feel free to call me Serena," the young woman replied before bowing towards the group. "I've never been one for formalities, after all. If you'll give me a moment, though, I need to... Erm... Air out this room before we proceed. One moment." With the smoke from whatever had happened inside having partially dissipated from opening the door to the room, Serena took a deep breath and promptly moved back inside; a glance through would reveal that it seemed to be in fairly pristine condition, save for whatever odd apparatus was churning away in the center. The young woman swiftly crossed through the room and promptly threw open the windows on the other side before grabbing a small wand crafted of wood and metal off to the side. With a single motion, the tip of the wand lit up, and a sudden gust of wind promptly funneled whatever smoke was left inside out through the window. "There, that should do it," Serena said before beckoning the others inside. "Please, take a seat. If it's simple analysis, I can handle everything right here." Given how nonchalant the princess seemed to be about the whole affair, it seemed reasonable to think that nothing would go wrong... Well, besides the fact that she still hadn't been the one who Bren had intended to help with this matter, but that was a different problem in it's own right. Once the group entered and took their places, Serena wasted no time in placing her focus upon Anne's mechanical arm. It was, needless to say, utterly foreign as a concept to her to recreate a limb with metal and... Whatever else it was that made it up. Even with the basic questions and demonstrations of the degree to which Anne was able to control the prosthetic like it was no different from her own hand were worthy of her attention—never mind the magic detection spell that was thus promptly cast over it to reveal no mana within whatsoever. "...Well, I can confidently state that there isn't magic at play with this marvel of engineering, though the craftsmanship you would need to make something like this may as well be," Serena finally said, before placing her wand to the side. "My brother would probably go insane if he saw something like this—which is tempting in it's own right—but I'd rather not cause a fuss over it. Heavens know that if he saw it he'd stop at nothing to try and replicate it... Or worse." There was a bit of disdain in her voice as she spoke, but Serena wasted no time lingering on the matter. "Right. Well, I can certainly guarantee that there's no nation on the continent capable of making something like this, magically or not; otherwise, I have a pretty good feeling we'd already be fighting for our lives. If you can make something this small and fine without needing to use any magic to power it, then I'd be terrified to imagine what you could do with something larger," the mage added before finally taking a seat of her own. "So, to review the situation thus far... These three—and their companions—were caught up in an incident with teleportation magic and ended up in the town of Aventon, where they repelled an invasion from the Raven Heralds and later traveled here to warn us of... [i]Some[/i] sort of threat to the capital?" "That is correct, ma'am," Bren responded with a nod. "I've sent out some people to verify their story already, so they should be returning in a few hours' time with a response." "Hm. I've never been one for politics, but this certainly sounds like a national crisis in the making if that's true," Serena stated before glancing back towards the trio. "At the very least, I'd think that Father would be willing to listen if it's a definite crisis like a brewing war on the horizon. That being said, I'm worried about how long it'd take to confirm everything in time, never mind this vague threat of [i]something[/i] at the capital. How long do you all plan on staying here in Nieve? I can't guarantee anything on my end yet, but it would be convenient if, assuming your story is true, that you could remain here until things have been sorted out." [@Izurich][@Drifting Pollen][@Rezod92]