"...Apollo." Hermetics are baffling voids of disinformation in the best of times, but Bella watches the old man anyway. Anything he might give up that would help her make sense of this situation. A little shudder of his cloak that implied hidden laughter and a joke of some terrible sort. She couldn't perceive where his legs actually were on that tripod setup he operated with, but even the tiniest shift in his weight would hint that he was concealing some uncomfortable truth, or at least nervous about the things that he was saying. A twitch of a finger, a fluttering of his muddy yellow hood, anything. Anything at all. But no. So far as she had the ability to discern, the old hermit had told her what he understood at exactly the level he understood it. She does not hide the shiver of fear that creeps up into her shoulders. "You really look at this and see Apollo's hand? Are you stupid?! Or just blind? And I already told you we are [i]not[/i] resetting her! You're useless! You decrepit, moron, blind ass idiot motherffff--" She vents frustration through her hair. Hands raise to press tight into the blue-black locks. Claw tips ever so barely brushing against her scalp, fingers teasing their way through the length as her spin bends backward further, and further, and further in the glare of the moon. As though bathing. She drops her arms to her hips, curls forward again to a standing position, and sighs. "...It's moonlight," she says, turning away to watch it through a window, "Apollo has nothing to say here. Artemis is the one who's descending here." Some terrible mixture of fear, anger, and longing wars across her face, twisting it into a scowl under the shadows that form beneath her eyes when she turns her head down toward the hallway again. Why did she have to be so stupid? She'd only known a single Ikarani in her entire life, and even that undersold the gravity of the problem here. She barely understood anything about the temples, about who designed each of them, and what each of her sisters (and herself) were even intended to [i]do[/i]. Was this a special instance? Was it only Vesper? Or had the Ikarani designers been wrong from the beginning and just never questioned the essential workings of their labor because the "product" had been performing to spec? The air smells like blood; every last molecule is saturated with its stench. Bella's hand flies up to cover her mouth as she retches and coughs uncontrollably. It doesn't make any sense. The question is making her almost as dizzy as the smell. How could this be the first time Artemis had come for an Ikarani, rather than Apollo? How did it make any sense at all for the Sun God to take issue with for what is for all intents and purposes a handpicked, handcrafted priestess of his sister? But then how could multiple empires bent toward fanatical, almost insane micromanaged worship of the gods have failed to notice this detail the entire time? So it must have been sunlight at one time, only it can't have been because that's utter nonsense. What made her even sicker than anything was how of her wanted to let this happen. If Artemis manifested through Vesper, or at least... showed up she'd finally have a chance to witness the goddess with her own eyes. There were so many questions. But the one with all the answers refused to speak to her. What did it take? What was happening here? Why, why, why? The room lurches, and Bella stumbles. There's a sudden pressure and a warmth under her armpit, wrapping around to her shoulder on the other side. She opens her eyes and sees Redana, who has dropped her little tablet to scramble over and keep her from falling. Bella relaxes, if only slightly. She can see the answer in the mismatched eyes shining up at her. No, of course. Obviously she can't allow this to happen. More than not allowing the chance to come to pass, she has to actively slam the door shut on it. Dany would never consider it. Dany would scream at her if she knew about the thoughts in her head right now. Dany wouldn't, couldn't ever leave anyone behind. Dany, Redana... "Oh, fuck." Bella wraps her arms around her wife. She forces herself to stand up straight, and closes her eyes to focus on her senses until she's dulled them enough to function normally. It feels like a mistake to push her smell this far down, but what else can she do. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. I hate this. Fuck. But, oh gods is [i]that[/i] the prob-- shit. Shit, fuck! I think we might be running out of time after all? How long would it take to gather Lethe from wherever it's collected on this ship? And can we dilute it? Mix it with, mmmf. I don't know how any of this shit works. But I don't want to make her forget everything. I want her to not need a bunch of chanted instructions and a target to function in the first place. I don't want everything to be the first time she's seen or felt or tasted it, not ever again. We just need to clear her head of her plan [i]now[/i]. Never mind a delivery method, I need... Dany, Ember. Can I count on you? Can you handle a hunt for the Princess Redana Claudius?" She doesn't say the name. She doesn't dare let it pass her lips. But there's more than one assassin that needs saving from the moon tonight. Please forgive her. Please, please forgive her.