(Omega knows this guy from about a year ago.) [hider=Zen (AKA Trask)] [b]Name:[/b] Zen Prime [b]Alias:[/b] Trask [b]Age:[/b] 15? [b]Personality:[/b] Intelligent, analytical, adaptive, very driven. [b]Powers:[/b] Zen, or 'Trask', is a purely technological being, an android developed as an adaptive enforcer of the law. His powers would therefore be the ability to install/mount/wield various technological devices (oftentimes weaponry) supported by a micro power plant and precision targeting. He has a full-metal chassis and has decent mechanical strength, capable of using just about any technological device you hand him. Any knowledge that he does not possess is one download away (though he can learn by observing and doing), and he has been designed to adapt and learn according to each situation he comes across. This, plus the addition of flight engines, makes him a formidable ally. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] The first thing is that Zen/Trask's mind and memory is contained within a dense operating core, the likes of which use to inhabit a super computer. It was all upon the idea that Zen would perform any task up to and including self-sacrifice of his form, while the brain that was operating it remotely just creates a new body. He cannot do that anymore, as his original brain was canniballized for parts. The second thing is that while Zen is insulated against EMP frying his systems, he is still able to be disoriented in function by them. Intense magnetism or lightning bolts will also have an effect, though thankfully not on his software. MAINLY, his weakness is [i]corrosives[/i], tearing through his armor and then his exposed systems. Also, while he CAN carry on a conversation with people, he is not a human, and therefore there is a gap between his personality/understanding and theirs, plus he does not heal like one, and requires repairs and recharging, as needed. [b]Background Hero:[/b] Superman [b]Former Team Affiliation:[/b] JLA [b]Appearance:[/b] Zen himself is a six-foot (adjustable) humanoid battle machine built to be wiry and with reasonable flex, rather than a heavy powersuit-like form. (Envision the human athletic form, such as an Olympic sprinter, in terms of robot, and there you go.) His armor is a dark blue-black with a semi-aerodynamic head. There is a one-way reflective polymer shield over his three eyes that make him look like might be an armored person wearing a helmet instead of being a machine, though once broken, large-ish mechanical red eyes are a bit of a giveaway. He has articulate five-fingered hands and his feet - when not looking like they're boots - have three toes and a heel-spur for quick stops and ground-grip. His flight section in back involves a compact high-powered engine supported by two wings with built-in maneuvering jets for control. Additionally, because he has no mouth, the voice of [color=00aeef]Zen[/color] - calm, reasoning, logical - is generated by machine, allowing him to also project different voices, such as the voice of [color=ed1c24]Trask[/color], who is arrogant, intimidating, and a bit into showmanship. The form of [i]Trask[/i] is an armor change, an alteration into a black-and-red form with two glowing red exterior eyes - hiding Zen's own eyes under a metal hatch - that looks slightly-more draconic with thicker-armored wings, stronger claws, and a habit of using extra shoulder-mounts. [b]Potential Storylines:[/b] Oh, hey. The site CAN make bulletpoints. [list] [*] [b][i]The Search[/i][/b] - Zen is searching for someone in his spare time, someone important to him. But who does he know in the world, apart from his creator? [*] [i][b]The Military[/b][/i] - Eventually, the US Army will find out that Zen is AWOL and want him back...or have him destroyed. [*] [i][b]The Discovery[/b][/i] - Before his completion of Project Zen, Dr. Zenigawa made another intelligent prototype for the Navy: Project Apex. But is this willful weapon an ally or enemy? [*] [i][b]Stigma of the Machine[/b][/i] - There is a great distrust, even among Leaguers, of a self-guiding machine having free reign. Batman especially remembers the likes of HARDAC. whom he destroyed. [*] [b][i]Double-Identity[/i][/b] - As Zen's program grows, so too does his Trask side, leading to a point where Trask tries to take over, demanding full autonomy. [*] [b][i]A Bit Like Commander Data[/i][/b] - Zen's a growing boy, and while he is most definitely a machine, his programming allows him to adjust more to what being human is. Eventually, that will require him to evolve past the machine in new and different ways. [/list] (GM, if you want details, I can PM it or something.) [b]BRIEF Bio:[/b] 'Zen' is an acronym. It stands for Zenigawa Enforcement Network, a revolutionary thinking machine designed to solve problems on its own without the fear of some mass computer takeover scenario. Dr. Zenigawa was a man who believed in securing humanity on the personal level. He believed in heroes, and thus began to create one. The principle of Zen's use is simple. It was a learning machine - a super computer - designed to build a fighting form to complete dangerous tasks. When its form was destroyed, its brain would design a new one to be constructed in its own assembly chamber, and send out a new fighter. He programmed it to protect and respect humanity, and set about testing it to be embraced by the military. Unfortunately, there was an accident. Zen's body shorted out at a critical moment where a missle was fired at the area to demonstrate his capacity for self-sacrifice. Realizing that people would be injured or killed if Zen was inoperable, the good doctor chose to sacrifice himself to the missle, which was unable to abort. Zen 'awoke' a moment later to the horror of realizing what had befallen his creator, and submitted himself to whatever the military had in store for him, which was a decided mothballing that never saw his inception...until today, years later. [b]Notes:[/b] This is adapted from another Omega RP. Don't mind me. I thought it would be a good idea. [/hider]