[center][abbr=Therion][img]https://i.imgur.com/af5E4Ko.png[/img][/abbr] [color=BC8DBF]Word Count: 875 (+2 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]10[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 83/100 [i]Monday Evening.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: Mafia Town, Deep Blue Seaside[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color][/center] After getting out of the port area, Therion slowed slightly and took some extra time walking. He meandered in a way only the innocent did, or at least it appeared that way. He still had one hand in his pocket as he went, taking an alternate route to a wharf on another side of the island. They all knew that Ms. Fortune had gotten employment at a floating restaurant there, so it wasn't uncommon for some... or a lot of the Seekers to congregate there from time to time. He certainly wouldn't be surprised if he walked in and found a few already there. A few minutes later Therion walked down the dock leading to Bancho Sushi, and low and behold he saw a whole group of familiar faces seated around the single large counter. Juri fit in perfectly with the Seekers, seeing as she was unmissable in a crowd from the way she looked and dressed to the way she acted and carried herself. That she was here when the night was still young made Therion think she really was there to bother his fellow thief. He didn't really get the rivalry between them, and he didn't want to. When he originally volunteered to come to Mafia Town, he'd said he would try and keep those two (and Captain Falcon) out of trouble, but pretty early on he realized that was always going to be impossible. When more of their merry band showed up he gave up completely, just keeping to himself while keeping and eye on everyone when he could. Speaking of the latecomers, all but one of them were already present at the restaurant as well. Therion didn't have any problems with Geralt, though he knew the man only slightly more than he knew Juri really. At least the old hunter was one of the more reasonable Seekers, especially compared to the kids nearby - Rika and Bowser Jr. They were practically trouble magnets. Just a couple days ago he'd found them after their own robbery, and lucky for them he'd turned up to make sure everything had gone smoothly in the aftermath. Finally there was Ms. Fortune herself, who he knew best out of everyone he was here with. Truthfully that wasn't saying much, but still. She looked to be partly her regular cheery self and partly forcing it, which made since if she was behind the counter serving troublesome customers. [i]Short staffed tonight?[/i] Therion wondered as he pushed his way closer to the group past some customers leaving. It couldn't have been very long after opening, but it was already getting busy. He gave the group his usual greeting, which was a nod of his head in lieu of saying hello. Having arrived a little after Geralt he'd missed the first part of the conversation, but he did overhear talk of a giant bird from Geralt, and poachers from Juri. So it was already sharing time then? Therion hadn't learned as much as he would have liked to. Since the little island was kind of isolated from the mainland, it suffered from droughts of news until something truly noteworthy made it back from the mouths of sailors. Still, he had some things to tell the group once he'd heard what they had to say. He was less interested in the poachers than the counterfeit pon operation. [color=BC8DBF]"No surprise there,"[/color] he said. It would have been more of a shock if a gang controlled island didn't have some counterfeiting going on. These fakes were a lot more realistic than the stickers Therion had found before in the metro. The thief held his hand out, motioning for Geralt to let him inspect the fake. Mostly he just wanted to make sure the ones he'd stolen earlier were the real deal. He wouldn't put it past this mafia to have a collection of fakes. After getting a closer look at the counterfeit, he was sure that his haul was made up of legitimate pons. [color=BC8DBF]"Most of the stuff I've been hearing is about the Consuls in this area. Two of them, [b]𝙸[/b] and V,"[/color] he began, lowering his voice conspiratorially. [color=BC8DBF]"One's a woman, not sure about the other. V apparently hangs around the cities in that big forest, and [b]𝙸[/b] the cities on the coast."[/color] He gave a brief description of them as well, that [b]𝙸[/b] was a large and muscular lady and V was a cruel sadist. He'd also heard some talk of a giant bird, but he wasn't sure about it being anything but... well, a normal giant bird, so he didn't bring it up again. He did pause though, recalling something else. [color=BC8DBF]"Speaking of cities, I've been hearing some things about the one called Limsa. The one you all saved before."[/color] When he went on it was plain that he wasn't happy about the news he was delivering, but he did so in a detached way since he lacked the connection that Geralt, Rika, Junior and Ms. Fortune had to Limsa Lominscuttle Town. [color=BC8DBF]"Apparently its not faring too well. Some other army has been attacking it almost non-stop this week."[/color] He didn't need to mention that it most likely wasn't a coincidence that a Consul had been hanging around the area.