[i][u]Chrysanthemum Information Gathering: Day 1[/u] Consequence of prior sequence chain, unable to determine reaction of Khaganate subordinate Can only note failure to respond to taunt with physical assault. Verbal response likewise inaudible. Applause for her discretion. Dinner, fish. Bed of rice with side of wilted spinach and fried potato. Paired with bottle of red spiced wine, Aestivali origin, estimated age of vintage 33 years. Reasonable selection, slight clash with main protein but bright and pleasant against the potatoes in particular. Food is competently prepared, adequately seasoned. Fish described as flaky, rice moist without being wet. Spinach existed. Potatoes serve as textural contrast, overall puzzle of meal dissatisfactory. Tested for traces of poison, none discovered. Aftereffects not present, alcohol content of wine not powerful enough to impair motor functions. Swept room after. Metaphorical sense, followed by literal. Passable grade, minimal extra dust discovered. Size in excess of personal chambers in Manor, presence of private bath. Will eschew amenities for now, greater concern for presence of traps or monitoring spells/creatures. Closet contains suspicious loose panel under blossom painting, unclear if maintenance issue. Staff appear confused when questioned. No other signs of concerning activity detected in primary inspections. Interviews turning up little. No admission of knowledge about Sister Tammithyn or sightings of anyone matching target's description. Likewise no admissions of sighting or even more than vague rumormongering regarding Eclair Espoir (assassin, distinct from self). Some talk about a 'golden faun', discarded for present as irrelevant information, note here for reference in event of necessity. Presence of notebook seemingly responsible for lack of clear answers. Staff respond to presence with visible discomfort, frequent attempts at subject change and physical manipulation/flirtation. Will require informal interview structure, recollected notes to be written down at end of day. Baths? Massage? Sauna? Escort and return to room with private dinner/drinks? Uncertain which activity will result in best answers. Likely combination, ending here in room. Will attempt. Am in process of laying trap. Have shed uniform and armor, encased in Light magic for protection. Am leaving in room for duration of stay, currently wearing white silk robe. Amount of leg exposed at present feels peculiar. Light spell has been engineered with small hole to allow for manipulation. Do not believe Target will attempt theft of belongings: if nature of current ploy relies on discoverability as Aurora, armor and dress must stay in my possession. However, tampering is possible and represents a tipped hand. Anticipate attempt via intermediary, hence opening in spell. Amateur attempt will target this point as a 'weakness', allow for easy determination of vandalism in broadest case/easy recognition of actual tampering techniques used. Imprint left in spell when touched will identify culprit. If no attempt occurs, thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Uncertain. Will require reassessment of facts of case. Proceeding with plan. Anticipate need for six-to-seven attendants before sample size can be considered wide enough for full scale understanding. Preference is for girls with obvious-to-unusual interest in my person, additional check for shyness/nervousness around me specifically. Choosing public baths for first inspection. Will scale location up by exclusivity to give off impression of overindulgence. This will assist with lowering warning level of location and convincing prior interview targets I am safe to open up around. Target has left signs here. I remain certain of that. Mission begins.[/i]