[center][abbr=Pit][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img][/abbr] Word Count: 1549 (+3 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]7[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 184/70 [i]Monday Evening.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: Skyworld, above The Sandswept Sky[/center] The brief meet and greet wrapped up as soon as Roxas made it to the gathering point. Pit was pleased his friend had made it, but there was little time to say as much. When Celia touched down (whom Pit waved at) with the angelic beast Ortho, he had a feeling that all the preparations were near complete. Soon after, the Goddess of Light's voice rang out. Pit glanced at his companions. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"This is it. See you guys at the victory celebration!"[/color] At Palutena's command of [i]go[/i], the wings on Pit's back began to glow a soft blue. He grinned and summoned his bow to his hand. The gold and lapis lazuli the weapon was made of caught the setting sun and glittered when he twirled it in his hand once. This was a serious mission, and he was going to take it seriously, but he couldn't help to feel some excitement, especially when the goddess' Power of Flight washed over him. With everyone having been so busy the last few days, it would be understandable if they were surprised when Pit leapt up and took to the air. He had been flightless the entire time he knew them after all. Now that he had reconnected to Palutena, she had bestowed her gift on him once more in order to protect Skyworld. With the Power of Flight in effect Pit soared up high alongside the other angels before he and his own squadron broke away and shot forward. Technically he was not free flying, the Goddess of Light was controlling his path... but until he fulfilled his dream of being able to fly on his own, this was the closest he could get to it. After a little bit of indulging in the feeling of wind through his feathers, Pit steeled himself with resolve. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Let's go! Full steam ahead!"[/color] He called back to the troops under his direct command. Most of the Centurions within the host remained behind to protect the temple as they normally did, so his soldiers consisted of the Feathers that filled out every unit. Even so, he had a couple of [url=https://i.imgur.com/mGADWCD.png]Centurion Strongarms[/url] who were too stubborn not to fight beside their captain. The extra manpower worked to the squad's advantage, as it consisted of more bows than swords in the first place. Pit preferred to handle as much as he could on his own, especially the most dangerous looking foes, so his ranged and staff units could work in relative safety while he pushed through the worst of the battle and the Feathershields and Strongarms provided back up. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][i]Are we going up with Uriel to take out the other ballista?[/i][/color] [color=springgreen][i]No. I'm sending you right inside, Pit. The sooner we get through the tower the better.[/i][/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][i]Got it. Those fake angels aren't gonna know what hit them![/i][/color] If he thought about it, sending him in for a land battle right off the bat made sense. With so many things to coordinate, it would no doubt be easier on Lady Palutena not to have to direct his flight path and have one less thing to focus on. The strategy was totally fine with him. Trusting Uriel and Sectonia to deal with the ballistae, he let the Power of Flight carry him directly toward his objective. Literally, as Lady Palutena sent him hurtling on the shortest route even if it meant sending him into enemies - or rather through them, as the bladed bow in his hand ripped through the small false angels effortlessly. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Arrow formation! Then we're going right in!"[/color] he shouted, and his squad of Feathers sped to keep up with him. They fanned out to avoid the ballista fire and drove forward with Pit and the Feathershields at the front, bows firing behind them. The drove through the air like a lance, cleaving through as many corrupted as they could until they hit the citadel. They alighted on a balcony where Pit temporarily swapped from his bow to his Upperdash Arm. He revved it struck the old stone, breaking a much larger opening into the side of the building to allow more of Palutena's Army inside from this level. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Spread out like normal and destroy every speck of corruption you find! In the name of the Goddess of Light!"[/color] [i]"Yes sir!"[/i] Pit's squadron grouped up and split into adjacent rooms, zealous in their destruction. Pit, too, took to the task with great zeal though he went solo. The spirits he'd fused with ended up helping out a lot during each mission like this: with his new ability to turn his arrows of light into purer, elemental light he could purify the corruption easily. Combined with his homing shots he could strike corruption eyeballs in even the trickiest of hiding spots, and when combined further with the Shadow-Piercing Shot he'd gained he could even hit multiple at once. That being similar to the Slipshot power he'd used in the past, he was already good at utilizing it. And if that didn't work, he could always use a Wild Shot to spread light arrows over many enemies at once. They swept through the floor, meeting back up at the stairwell. They'd run into groups of enemies, and somehow the ghosts of those enemies, but the well trained unit had out fought them - no causalities so far. [i]Thank goodness.[/i] "All clear on this level," one of the Feathershields reported. Pit nodded. They all knew there was a lot more work to be done, and the sounds of battle from both above and below raged on. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Let's keep it up! We're gonna head downstairs! Me first, Shields at the back. Same strategy on the next level - fan out, target the cores, support each other. Don't let a single one get away! If things are looking rough, group back up together,"[/color] he told them. He gave them all a grin, part reassuring and part vicious as his fierceness started to come out. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"And if things get even rougher from there, join back up with me. I'll take care of any enemy you bring me!"[/color] Their captain hadn't let them down so far. The squad saluted, barked their affirmatives, and descended with Pit. Since Uriel would be coming down from the tower and other angels platoons were landing up in higher windows, Pit thought the best thing to do was to come down hard on the enemies that were headed to engage the squads holding the gate. Once Pit's squad cleared the floors between them and picked up the remains of other units on the way, the could squeeze the corrupted false angels between the forces of good. The captain of Palutena's Royal Guard and his soldiers crashed through the citadel's floors, fighting almost as ferociously as their opposition. Multitudes of arrows pierced Affinities and Ayfids, the bowmen protected by their Shields who were supported by their Staves, who were attended by Centurion Strongarms. The make up of each portion of the squad was enough to mostly handle ambushes as well, but when it wasn't they followed Pit's command - and Palutena's most loyal angel tore apart everything that threatened them, as he said he would. He freely swapped between his divine weaponry; the Orbitars to further protect his squad and repel corrupted magic blasts, the Palm to unleash a fusillade of energy shots in closer quarters, and the Arm to swiftly deal with larger threats with explosive force. Out of all of them, he still preferred his bow the most. The weapon personally gifted to him by Lady Palutena was perfect at at close and far range, its arrows enough to deal with most any threat and its blades cutting down all evil that stood in their way. Pit was used to being a one-man army, but when combined with the abilities of his squadron, both their physical prowess and their debuffing, the unit made it to the ground floor in what felt like record time. The situation there was worse than they'd been in the middle floors, but hopefully Pit's squad could turn the tide in their favor. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Back them up!"[/color] he instructed his units, and they rushed to the defense of their fellow angels with sword, bow, and fists at the ready. While they stabilized the area and cleansed the last of the corrupted cores, Pit pushed deeper in. Eventually his men would follow him, so he needed to make it as safe for them as possible - and every other angel serving. He followed the sounds of battle to the huge false angel Belief, arriving from another angle only slightly behind Midna. Honestly, he thought the Twilight Princess could take the thing on and win by herself, but the more time she spent fighting it was more time she couldn't be helping out the rest of the army. The same went for him. So he flew into the fray in order to put the monster down as fast as possible. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Hope you don't mind sharing!"[/color] He called to Midna, drawing his bow and opening firing on Belief. He then stood his ground, charging his shots until the blue light arrows turned to purple. They shot through one Affinity and turned to hit more, dealing damage to each it passed through as the arrows curved around the makeshift arena until it finished by striking Belief for good measure.