[h3] Anya [/h3] Anya nodded, smiling at Sam’s demeanor when he stood and stretched. His shrug almost looked boyish and he pointed toward the door. Anya nodded toward the door and quickly walked through it, out into the hallway. She vaguely remembered the way to the kitchen, and didn’t wait long for Sam to join her, before exiting the corridor into the war room, looking around the large room as if she had never seen it before. It was intimidating, antique, and as weird as it felt to say…it seemed like the most appropriate home for Sam and Dean. As she walked past the table, she brushed her fingers along the antique wood top, and over the back of one of the chairs, carefully stepping through the swinging doors of the kitchen. She leaned against the stainless steel counter of the kitchen, and waited for Sam, while typing on her phone. “So, from what I can read about your brother, he’s simple. He likes a lot of meat and hearty foods, right? Beer. Pies. Ice Cream. Burgers. That sort of thing? Find me some ground beef, whip cream, and any fruit you have. I’ll have him wrapped around my finger in two bites.” As soon as Sam came through the door, Anya pressed play on the message and smirked, looking up at Sam from under her hair as it fell into her face. [h3] Dean [/h3] Dean almost breathed an audible sigh of relief when Lexi returned his talk about work, as it was obvious they were both having trouble being this close to one another, considering they had shared a kiss the last time they were in the Impala together. It was a muscle memory thing…he thought. But she had faith in him having her back. That was a relief. Something in the pit of his stomach wondered if he could, after what happened to Mika. He didn’t necessarily trust himself to help anyone anymore. It had made him almost a hermit in the bunker. He took a deep breath and glanced over at her to find her eyes staring at his. “I got your back. As far as we know, this kid is just human. So, you give me any sign and I will blow his brains out.” Dean explained, seriousness overshadowing his good mood for a moment, to let her know that he would lay anyone out that tried to come near her. There was no way he was going to let another person he cared about get hurt right in front of him. “One signal. I’ll kill him. Try to stay where I can see you both. Get the info. Get out of there. We’ll be on the road…” He nodded to make sure Nat understood that he was serious, and then he smirked, “I hate sounding like a bossy dad.”