[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5494758][img]https://i.imgur.com/9BCGgou.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--Nieve - Mages' Guild--[/h3][/center] [@FujiwaraPhoenix] [@Drifting Pollen] [@Rezod92] [color=d9457c][i]Ehen~[/i][/color] A satisfied huff left the youkai's lips the moment Anne and Fran introduced themselves as [i]her[/i] retinues, and judging from how genuine said huff sounded, it wouldn't be far-fetched to assume Remilia - either ignorantly or deliberately - disregarded the pretending aspect of their gesture. [color=d9457c][b]"Of course, Your Highness~"[/b][/color] Now with her mood lifted, the vampiress was noticeably more patient as she waited for the princess to do a little house cleaning of the workshop, then entered along with the others upon her signal. With a perpetual small smile on her visage, Remilia took a seat and observed the sheer fascination in Serena when she laid eyes upon Anne's curious arm. Indeed, twas' something that not even the Kappa Engineer could craft, at least not without guidance, those folks were nothing but ingenious after all. Regardless, the Knight's artificial limb was proof enough to vouch for the rest of their story, then the ambassador could essentially repeat what they had said to him for the princess' benefit. Oh my, what's this? Attendance with the King? Ah... [i]finally[/i], really it shouldn't take them [i]this[/i] long to see the monarch, but she wouldn't be petty and reject the boon, this one most especially of all. And last but certainly not least, [i]proper[/i] accommodations as befitting her noble station! [color=d9457c][b]"We can certainly stay for however long as you'd like, Your Highness!"[/b][/color] The vampiress flashed a fanged grin, the thought of gourmet food, fine wine, and a proper warm bath spurring her into action, [color=d9457c][b]"And all of us are capable warriors in our own right, so it'll certainly be in our mutual best interest if we remain here and ready to act against these assailants."[/b][/color] It’d be wise, indeed~