[b]NATALIA[/b] The torture and attacks felt like they were going on forever. It wasn't the same as last time, this felt so much more brutal than before. Natalia almost couldn't take anymore and was ready to give up fighting, but she knew somewhere in the back of her mind that her family wouldn't want her to give up. She had to keep fighting to survive, even if it seemed no one was coming for her. Soon enough the growls and howls of hellhounds seemed to disappear, strangely giving Nat a deeper feeling of dread as it meant one of two things, the demons had killed the hounds and we're more powerful than she could ever imagine, or the demons were defeated and the hounds have just gone. Then came another attack making her scream loudly. "I'm begging...stop" she finally started to say, not being able to play the tough guy any longer. "I do love it when they beg!" Her torturer boasted proudly. He gave her a moment, pretending to give her some solace but in actuality he was just thinking up what to do next. He had so much around him to use, it was a tough call to make. "Now....what should we do next? I gotta admit, didn't think we'd have all this time together. Clearly your family don't love you that nyuch if they're taking their time. Everyone in Hell knows how much Dean never wanted a sister, he resents you being in his life. You're a weak link....a liability" he rambled on, going for more psychological games. "No...he loves me! He does!" She cried, trying to focus on him saying as such at the car. "wrong! Dean doesn't care about anyone other than himself and Sam!" He snapped at her, rushing to her bed and slamming his hand on her broken shoulder, making her scream once again. He had enough, she was being too difficult to break even more, so with his patience lost, he pushed her bed into the bath that was in built into the floor. "No..no....Plea--!" She begged before water splashed right over her and she began to get pulled under the water, the demon using his power to keep her down. She tried to get free from her restraints but every move hurt too much, she couldn't scream for fear of loosing breath. Eventually she couldn't fight anymore.....her eyes wanted to close so much, the water now stinging her eyes. She truly thought she was going to die alone with none of her family coming for her. Her whole life felt like her family was ripped from her. Her mother, her father, for 4 months she lost Dean which in turn made her feel like she lost Mika due to her grief. She was alone yet again, [I]"no one has ever cared enough to save me...."[/I] she thought to herself, when in her blurred watery vision she caught an almost silhouette figure taking out the demon before her eyes closed and she decided to just welcome death.... [b]SAM[/b] Waiting in the truck, using all of his strength to not go after Anna, Sam kept his head on the backs of his hands that were resting on the steering wheel. He felt like every single time he tried to get Anna back and safe, something or someone came along and ripped her away from him. He knew deep down she was very warranted in hating him for leaving Cason but he was too concerned about getting as many people out as he physically could whilst not disobeying Dean. Yet again his need to keep on Dean's goodside won out over his instincts in at least trying to help Cason reach the door of the barn. His thoughts raced through all the possibilities that could be happening to the man and it just made him feel even more guilty. He couldn't deny that Cason hadn't exactly betrayed them yet, even if Cupid did make him sleep with Mika to get back at Dean's old feelings towards Esme and how it seemed Cason had become incredibly close to Natalia. Oh god...Nat. his mind raced a million miles an minute at what Nat could be going through in that blasted place. Another promise broken. He promised Anna to never let her get hurt again and that's exactly what happened- she got hurt to the point the nurse thought he hurt her, and now the promise of never letting anyone take Nat back to the asylum was also broken. Tears finally got the better of him and he began crying into his hands, knocking his forehead against the backs of his hands a couple of times out of frustration. "Why do I keep messing up?!" He scolded himself, not even realising that Anna was coming back out and had been stopped by Dean. He was so tempted to just take Duke's truck and go after Nat but he couldn't bring himself to actually make the motions of doing so. When Anna eventually did make it back to the truck, he quickly lifted his head up and wiped his tears away with the sleeve of his shirt. Sighing to try and gather himself so he didn't start bawling once more, glancing towards the passenger side door waiting for her to get back inside. "You okay? Medically I mean...I know emotionally you're not" he quietly spoke to her. [b]MIKA[/b] The moment Dean clung onto her for dead life, she knew he needed this more than she did and he was so close to breaking point. She knew him too well. His words only confirmed what she assumed, "we're not gonna lose anyone else and we're definitely not losing Nat. We're not out of luck yet" she told him just as his phone buzzed with the update about Duke. She sighed with relief that he was seemingly still kicking and fighting to survive, it meant that although he may not be out of the woods just yet, his survival rate was getting higher than Nat's. "Okay...that's good...he's still got fight in him and okay, we'll go together and get our girl. We can't let her think she's been abandoned again" she told him, looking towards the impala before back at Dean again and subsequently Anna as she came back out. She let Dean grab Anna to ask her to keep Sam here. Mika knew that if Sam came along he'd be a liability. He could barely keep his head together from tonight's situation and he needed to talk things through with Anna. She couldn't blame Anna for being hostile towards Dean, it was his word that made them all leave Cason behind after all. She kept quiet as she let Dean beg Anna to just do this one thing for them both. "Thank you Anna" she spoke, in the hopes the girl heard her as she walked off back to the truck and to Sam. Turning her head back to Dean, she gave a firm nod in agreement, taking his hand and walking to his car with him, getting in the passenger side with no other words spoken. Closing the door once in, she kept her head forward, me tally going through all the scenarios they could be getting into but she had quickly shake them off her mind because every one was trying to prepare her for finding Natalia dead somewhere in that damn place. She couldn't think like that, she had to believe Nat was still kicking and screaming and making it as difficult as she could for the demons that had her. She also had to force herself not to put some blame on Esme for Nat being taken as the message was for Esme on the pamphlet. They took Nat to get her to go back and that didn't sit well with Mika in the slightest. She was trying so hard to like Esme and get passed her past with Dean, but this current situation wasn't helping. She just couldn't express that thought to Dean. "No matter what....we get her out and alive. She has to know we didn't abandon her" she remarked as she waited for Dean to start the engine and drive off. ---- It took a good while to reach that dreaded sight before them that was the asylum. The hour it nearly took to get there felt like an eternity to Mika. The longer they were on the road, the more anxious she got. She felt like every minute that went by it was a minute closer to loosing Natalia. But then the decrepit building came into view. A view she thought she had erased from her mind, but the moment she saw it again, she remembered that night like it was yesterday. Her waiting by the impala as lookout whilst Sam and Dean went inside, fought demon after demon before she saw them running out with Sam carrying Natalia out in his arms. Nat looked like a skeleton in comparison to what she looked like now. The building looked even more worn down than before if that was even possible. More vines and weeds had grown up the walls and through broken windows that were badly boarded up. The staircase to the entrance was even more broken up and didn't look safe to step in the slightest. Even a lot of the roof seemed to have caved in so ce they were last here. "I don't like this Dean...." She said, worried about what they were about run into. After a few deep breaths, she opened the door and got out of the car, walking round to the trunk and cranking it open to grab whatever she could carry to arm herself. If the last time they were here was anything to go by, the demons in there were not going to make life easy for them. She waited for Dean to get out and kitted up, before she then headed to the building, gripping her gun tightly in her hand, flashlight above it. As they reached the door she quickly went on guard and stopped in her tracks as demons came out from all angles, surrounding them both. "You think we didn't plan for you to come for her when we specifically told the blonde to come alone?" A brunette female demon spoke, all arrogance in tone and body language. "Get 'em!" She ordered before demons started charging them all all around.