[center][h3][b][color=ec008c]JURI HAN[/color][/b][/h3] Level 5: 35/50 Location: Mafia Town Word Count: short Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance: Level 5: 36/50[/center] [hr] Juri chuckled lowly at Rika and Junior, seeing them as floundering for excuses. At Rika’s question about whether or not she was going to betray the mafia, she sighed. If she cared about them admitting to doing anti-Mafia activities, she didn’t show it. [b][color=ec008c]”’Bad guys’ huh? Yeah, you really are just a couple of kids. I don’t follow anyone’s rules, and I do what I wanna do. Any doctrine tellin’ you how people are ‘supposed’ to act is just a buncha bullcrap trying to get you to do what someone else wants.”[/color][/b] She said, shaking her glass around before taking a sip. At Junior and Rika’s suggestion about her gun, she glanced over her shoulder at the thing. [b][color=ec008c]”What are you, some kinda whiz kid?”[/color][/b] Guns weren’t really her area of expertise. In her experienced they tended to pale in comparison to her martial arts. Juri had been viewing the tommy gun as a toy and a noisemaker, to be used for fun. Pull the trigger and make some havoc happen. When she got serious, she would use her hands and feet. But if the little turtle could make it shoot fire bullets or something, why not? If he broke it, he would owe her. If he succeeded, she could set three hundred things on fire per minute. It was a win-win. [b][color=ec008c]”You wanna make it set stuff on fire? Sure, knock yourself out.”[/color][/b] She said. She wasn’t going to offer to pay for their services unless they asked. She made no move to hand it over at the moment, though, assuming he had some type of toy workshop they'd have to visit first. Juri turned to Geralt. [b][color=ec008c]”Not just any ol’ giant bird. A huge one. A supermassive bird. If you think ‘maybe’ then it wasn’t big enough. From what I heard we’ll know it when we see it.”[/color][/b] She narrowed her eyes at the fake pons. [b][color=ec008c]”A counterfeit ring?”[/color][/b] She asked. [b][color=ec008c]”Gimme that.”[/color][/b] She reached out to snatch the pon and look it over between her fingers. She wasn’t aware of anything like this. [b][color=ec008c]”Someone else must be muscling in. I woulda heard about this if it was the Chef Mafia.”[/color][/b] She went to take a bite into the fake pon, trying to get an idea of what it was made of. Now came Therion, speaking about Consuls, and some town called Limsa. Which Miss Fortune followed up on. [b][color=ec008c]”So, messing with their little forever war operation draws the Consuls out of hiding, huh? Might be worth dropping by to see if we can’t whack a few lieutenants while they’re busy. We don’t want them messin’ with us while we hunt for Guardians, right?”[/color][/b] Juri said. [b][color=ec008c]”To them, bloodshed is a product they export. We break the supply chain like we would to rattle any other criminal operation.”[/color][/b] Juri grinned. [b][color=ec008c]”Won’t do much good to the innocent chumps of Limsa or whatever, the Consuls will sic some other attack dogs on it as soon as we leave. But playing peacemaker does give us the opportunity to snap the right necks and make our lives easier down the road.”[/color][/b] She said callously, pushing her plate away. [b][color=ec008c]”So, what? Maybe some of us could scout for the Guardians, some others go kill some Consuls? I’m partial to assassinating at least one in the area before hunting the Guardian. In my experience, going after the boss is easier when you’ve cut off their right hand, first.”[/color][/b] Juri rolled her right wrist from side to side to demonstrate. The idea of some uncontested Consul tracking them down while they themselves were trying to track down a giant bird was an annoying one. She’d much rather kill her enemies on her own terms, which meant going on the offensive.