[i]The Bloody Revenge[/i] was quite the ship. It's hull was painted a dark red with dark wood trim. She had seven cannons on each side and the figurehead to the ship was a skeleton figure holding a lantern out as if to guide lost souls. Her sails were black and the railings along her sides were painted black as well. She was intricately carved, perhaps previously belonging to nobility at one point, so intricately that it was easy to spot the places were the wood had been replaced perhaps from damage or from wear. Lanterns were placed strategically throughout the ship and it had plenty of room for the whole crew. Below deck, one would find a large storage area full to the brim with preserves and water. There were even an area with bunks for the crew, though not nearly enough for the number of men that served upon on her. To make up for the lack of sleeping quarters, there were hammocks strewn about for the men to sleep in. A rather lavish kitchen was set out in the back of the boat with a large cooking area. Along the wall of the kitchen were cages full of live fowl. They clucked, cooed, and pecked at the cage they were in and just next to them were a large selection of fresh fruits. By this time, it was learned that Scurvy was caused by the lack of vitamins and many seafarers made sure to have a decent selection of citrus and other fruits that would last awhile without rotting. And just behind the kitchen were barrels and barrels of liquor. Vampire hunting was not an easy task. Death, blood, and pain was part of their livelihoods, so Ayita was sure to keep a constant flow of liquor for her men, all with the understanding that none were to get so drunk they were unruly or an annoyance. For any that found themselves getting to that state, a brig was located at the bottom deck. There were loud shouts as men scurried about the deck, pulling sails and getting the ship ready to sail. There was a long plank that led to the deck of the ship from the dock. The two men got their things together and began the trek onto the ship. Orders were shouted and the anchor began to rise from the water. The bald man strolled over to the quarter deck, approaching Ayita who watched her crew get the ship ready to sail. They shared a few words before Ayita locked her eyes on Nils. A frown formed on her face at the sight of him before she began a stroll towards him, her crew hurrying around her like bees in a hive. Hair multicolored hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail and her swords clanked against her side as she approached. She stopped in front of him, crossing her arms and cocking her hip to the side. Her brown eyes scanned him from head to toe and she sighed. “So, you're our new recruit, eh?” She strolled around him, eyeing him down as she did so. “No weapons,” she pulled his clothes this way and that, examining his skin for any real signs of past battles, “No real battle scars.” She came to stand in front of him again, crossing her eyes tightly across her chest as her brown eyes locked on his own. “What do you hope to do here, die?” She could hear a snicker or two from her men around her and her head whipped around to glare at them. “Am I speaking to you? Don't you have things to do?” The men quickly picked up their pace and scurried off. She gave a shake of her head before she turned back to address Nils. “Look, I don't know what my men told you to get you to join but this isn't some cruise. We hunt vampires and treasure on this ship. Every single one of these men around me have seen the blood of war and survived to tell about it. Each with their own scars and stories to tell. What can you give me? Or are you just a lamb to be fed to the lions?” She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose before she gave a shake of her head. Of course Ayita had spare weapons and they needed the men. She looked past him to lock her eyes on the larger man who just gave her a strong shrug as he went about sorting his things and heading below deck. She let out a deep groan as the calls came from her men that the ropes were coming up and the anchor clicked into its place. She locked her eyes on Nils before threw her hands up in the air. “Fine, fine. But if you die, it's your own fault. Follow me. Let's at least get your armed.” She turned from Nils, shaking her head as she did so. This man was going to get himself killed and Ayita would just have to find someone else to take his place. She grumbled to herself as she stepped below deck and heading all the way to the cargo hold. Men scurried every which way, the calls for dispatcher sounding as the ship began to rock against the dock. Ayita flowed through the crowd like she water, uncaring if Nils kept up with her or not. Eventually she opened a door to a spare room and stepped inside. Within the room were racks and racks of weapons from swords, daggers, even a spear or two. There were flintlocks on the corner and blunderbuss just next to them. Along the walls were ammo of all kinds, even a few bombs or two as well. She quickly got to work on searching through the items before she pulled out a cutlass and a dagger. She turned to face Nils with weapons in hand. She was going to at least make sure he would be armed, even if he was going to die the first time they even encountered vampires.