[h2]Esme[/h2] As Esme decided to go with Cason, she was relieved to hear that he had sent dogs to find Natalia, and that’s how he knew where she was. “I plan on it.” she replied to his comment about Sarah. She had been a lifesaver and a great companion to her since Cason had given her the ability to see her, and she still wondered why he allowed her to keep the ability after their almost-relationship failed. Before she had time to think much more about going for Natalia, Cason had wrapped his arm around her waist and teleported them into the asylum. When she heard the glass crunch under her boots, she knew she was in the asylum. When Cason released her and stepped back, she looked around the hall as he disappeared. It hadn’t changed much. Everything that happened in that god-forsaken place flooded her mind, sending a shiver down her spine. She never thought she’d find herself within its walls again, but there she stood in one of its dimly lit halls. Esme balled up her fist and clenched her jaw. She knew this would be one hell of a fight to get Natalia out of this place. Esme breathed deeply through her nose, pushing the memories from her mind and trying to focus on the task at hand. That’s when she heard Natalia’s faint scream just before Cason popped back into the hallway. She spun around to face him, noticing the wrench in his covered hand. She took the wench from him as he spoke, sighing slightly. Of course, she knew she didn’t need to pass out in the middle of it all. He didn’t have to tell her that. She also didn’t like him ordering her to use the wrench. Esme was about to say something but stopped when she noticed his reaction to hearing Natalia’s screams in the distance. Her eyes then went to Sarah and the two hounds that appeared, and she watched them for a moment before lifting her gaze back up to Cason. The fear she saw in his eyes was hard to miss, and it was something she hadn’t seen since they met. She almost stepped back when he stepped back up to her. His words and his new behavior caught her off guard. At that moment, she saw how much he cared for Natalia. She knew they’d get her out. “At least there will be one happy ending tonight.” Esme whispered after Cason disappeared. “Let’s go kick some ass.” she told Sarah. Turning on her heel, she walked down the hall with the wrench in a death grip. She planned to keep demons from getting past her and to find Valdin. She didn’t know what shape she’d leave this place in or if she’d leave at all. All she knew was that if she were to die in this place, she was going to take down as many demons as she could with her, including Valdin. He had to pay for sending his minions to do his bidding and taking Duke away from her and to keep him from torturing another poor soul. Esme walked down the hall with Sarah, not attempting to keep her footsteps quiet. There was no point with all the glass blanketing the floor. It wasn’t until they rounded a corner that they found their first three demons. As soon as they were spotted, the demons ran at them. Sarah tackled the first, ripping him to shreds as he screamed. Esme took the second, knocking him upside the head with the wrench, then bashing his head when he was on the ground. Esme moved for the third, but Sarah beat her to him. After knocking him to the ground, she bit his head to silence her screams. “Good girl. Let’s keep moving, girl.” she told Sarah, moving up to her and patting her head. As they moved on, Esme could feel more coming. Their anger was intense and growing stronger the closer she got, which fueled her own rage. The demons were on them before they could even round the corner. This time, a large handful had been waiting. Esme beat and punched her way through the group, hearing the sizzle of their skin when her fist made contact with their faces, bringing a grin to her lips. Sarah and Esme had taken out five before the rest backed up and circled them. There were six left, and they all had smirks on their faces as they stared down Esme and Sarah. “Valdin didn’t mention you had a pet.” one spoke up. “He also failed to mention you could fry us with a touch.” another chimed in. Esme grinned back at them. “Yeah, he never was one to give details.” she sneered. “Like you’d know.” a female demon snapped back at her. Sarah growled at the female after she snapped at Esme, and Esme laughed, now recognizing her. “You don’t remember?” she questioned. “I was trapped in this hell hole for two years. You and Valdin both tortured me, along with three others. You were keeping my presence here a secret from your boss.” She watched the female look at her in surprise. “Yeah, I remember you, Morana. I also heard most of your conversations back and forth when you thought I had passed out.” Esme glared at the female with a grin, watching her angrily shake. “Your torture tactics were weak compared to Valdins. I’m surprised he’s kept you around this long.” she teased. “Shut up!” Morana screamed. “Oh, have I struck a nerve?” Esme grinned. “Your name means death. Some death bringer you are. I’m still alive.” Morana took a step towards Esme, a growl in her throat. “You would be dead if those Winchesters hadn’t shown up that night and ruined everything!” Morana screamed at Esme. Esme grinned widely and shook her head with a laugh. “You’re a coward, just like Valdin. The Winchesters didn’t find me that night. You could have come back and finished me off. Even though Valdin ordered you to keep me alive.” Morana had had enough and charged Esme with a scream. “I’ll kill you now!” Morana collided with Esme, sending her through the gathered demons and into a wall, causing her to drop the wrench in her hand. The others advanced only to be stopped by Sarah by her mauling them. Esme and Morana matched each other blow for blow. “Valdin will be pretty pissed with you if you kill me.” Esme said, connecting a punch to Morana’s face. “I don’t care!” Morana punched at Esme, but she moved just in time, causing her fist to connect to the wall behind Esme. Esme spun around, grabbed Morana by her jacket, and slammed her into the opposite wall. She then took the woman's face into her hands, frying it with her touch. Morana screamed in pain and fought to get out of Esme’s grip, only for Esme to bash her head against the wall and turn to take on another demon. Esme punched him in the gut, then kneed him in the face when he doubled over. Esme reached for her belt, finding her knife’s sheath empty. She never picked up before they left the barn with Duke. Laughter sounded behind her. “Aww, poor thing doesn’t have any other weapons to defend herself with.” a demon laughed. Four demons closed in on Esme while Sarha took on the other two. Esme grinned, plunged her hand into her pocket, pulled out a handful of salt, and then threw it in their faces. With them screaming, she placed her hands on two of the demon's faces, melting them to the bone. Pulling her spare knife from her jacket pocket, she plunged it into one demon's chest and twisted it. She moved to the next demon, doing the same. Before she could pull her knife from their chest, another had come up behind her and wrapped his arm around her throat. “You're mine now.” he whispered in her ear. “Don’t count on it.” Esme growled. Lifting her feet, she kicked off the wall, sending them back into the opposite wall. He let go when his back made contact. She spun around, jammed her knife into his chest, and twisted it before pulling it out. As she turned to face the last one, more could be heard heading their way. Lifting her arm, she flicked her wrist and sent the knife straight into the demon's heart. “Sarah, you good?” she called to the hound. Sarah barked just as Esme turned to face Morana, where she had left her, but she had bolted. “Cowered.” she growled. Esme had just enough time to run over and pick up the wrench before the next wave of demons showed. Esme was growing more and more irritated as time passed. She knew they were all being sent by Valdin to tire her out before he revealed himself. She and Sarah were hardly moving forward with how many demons were coming out of the woodwork at once, which further irritated her and fueled her rage more. Esme placed the hilt of her knife in her mouth and ran at the demons with a frustrated growl, with Sarah right behind her. She could feel the heat that was radiating from her body growing hotter. She met the demons swinging the wrench with a newfound strength that surprised her. When she hit the third demon, a female, across her face, Esme heard her jaw break and her neck snap. After that, the rest were easy to take out with Sarah. They had almost seemed afraid to come at her head-on with how she took out the last female. One last demon came running at her from around the corner towards her. Taking the wrench in both hands, she brought it back over her hand and threw it at the demon. The wrench hit its mark and lodged into the demon’s head. Esme tucked away her knife, walked over, pulled the wrench from the demon, and looked down the hall. It was quiet and deserted. It didn’t feel right after the waves of demons that she had just dealt with. Suddenly, a voice ran out in the hall, and Sarah began to growl. “Welcome home, my Little Dove. It’s been far too long. Oh, how I’ve missed you.” A delighted laugh then echoed through the hall. “My, how strong you’ve gotten.” “Valdin! Come out and face me, you cowered!” Esme yelled. “You’ll see me soon enough. Come to where it all happened.” Valdin said with a sadistic laugh. Gripping the wench tightly, Esme took off with Sarah hot on her heels. It took a little time, but she found the room with little hits here and there from Valdin. She stopped in front of the open, hidden door. She stared into the room, the only light coming from an old oil lamp on a table. Esme was suddenly shoved inside, and the door closed behind her. Esme hit the floor hard and slid a couple of feet across the floor. She quickly got to her feet and spun towards the door, noticing Sarah wasn’t with her. “Sarah!” she yelled. She could faintly hear Sarah attach the demon outside the door before whining to get to Esme. “Hello, Little Dove.” Valdin called out behind her. Esme spun around and glared at Valdin, who just grinned at her. “Valdin.” she growled, brandishing the wrench. He grinned more at her as he stepped towards her, causing her to step back. “I’m so happy you’ve come back to me. Now we can continue our fun that got interrupted.” he cooed. “Don’t count on it!” she growled. Esme charged Valdin and took a swing at him, but he dodged it, hitting her in the stomach. She hit the ground, and she swiftly kicked her, sending her sliding across the floor. “You’re still as feisty as ever, Little Dove.” he laughed. Esme coughed and groaned as she returned to her feet, glaring at Valdin again. Esme charged at him again, then dropped to her knees, slid across the floor, and took out his legs with the wrench. She spun on her knees when he hit the floor and waited for him to get up. As soon as he was on his knees, Esme threw the wrench at him, lodging it into his back. Valdin screamed in pain and tried to remove the wrench, but it was just out of reach. “So, you want to do things the hard way? Fine.” he growled. He rushed at Esme, sending the two into a fistfight, each returning the other's blow. During this, Esme realized he was wearing gloves, which explained why he was about to touch her. Valdin got in a hit to her stomach, knocking the air from her. He took this opportunity to grab her and throw her across the room and into a wall. “Dammit all.” she growled after hitting the floor. She could really use Sarah’s help right now. She could barely hear her outside the door, scratching and whining to get in. The next thing Esme knew, Valdin was at her side, hoisting her up and slamming her into the wall. He slammed her against it again, her head making contact with the wall. Bringing up his free hand, he took hold of her face and held it tightly, forcing her to look at him. “You’re not leaving this place again, Little Dove.” he said in her face. “The cowboy is dead. The Winchester is with someone else. They don’t want you around. You’re a ticking time bomb of emotion. There’s no room for you in that little group of theirs.” he told her. He grinned brightly in her face as he took her by the throat and lifted her off the floor. “Besides, would they even take you back if they knew you were one of us?” he questioned. Esme struggled against his grip. “I’m not.” she choked out. “Well, maybe not a demon, but damn well close enough.” he laughed. Esme struggled to get her knife out of her pocket, then slashed Valdin across his cheek. She cried out and smashed her into the wall again. He wrestled the knife from her and plunged it into her left shoulder. She screamed in pain as he laughed. “I know you think I’m lying, but it’s true. Your father never told you why that Hellhound came for your mother, did he?” The look in Esme’s eyes as she gasped for air told him his answer, and he smirked. He was overjoyed to fill her in. “Allow me to fill you in, Little Dove…. In truth, you shouldn’t even be here. You were never meant to be born.” Valdin told her, grinning from ear to ear. As Esme gasped for air, she could feel her tears burning her eyes. What he was saying couldn’t possibly be true, could it? His grip around her throat tightened, and she could feel herself slipping into unconsciousness. “Don’t pass out on me yet, Little Dove. You haven’t heard the best part.” He loosened his grip just enough for her to get a little air. “You’re here only because your mother made a deal. Unknowingly. She thought she was talking to a “Miracle Worker” when, in reality, she was talking to a crossroads demon at that bar with your father.” “Lier!” Esme screamed angrily, tears rolling down her cheeks. Every word he spoke was pushing her closer to the edge. She thrashed against his grip, trying to kick him to free herself. “I’m afraid not. You’re also barren. You’ll never be able to have a family of your own.” Valdin lagged, squeezing her throat. “So, why don’t you just give up and spend the rest of your days with me as my servant.” Esme gasped for air and tried to free herself. Her vision was blurring, darkness was closing in on her, and then she snapped. Her eyes rolled back into her head. The heat radiating off her intensified, and Valdin's exposed skin began to burn. He hissed in pain and threw her across the room. She hit the floor with a sickening thud, but she quickly pushed herself up on her feet. “I’d rather die than be your servant. I won’t ever give in to you.” she said flatly with a growl. It was as if she were a completely different person or she was taken over by something. “I may have nothing, but that won’t stop me from killing you.” Esme’s eyes glowed as she ran at Valdin, whose eyes had gone black as he waited for the impact. When close enough, Esme threw a punch, connecting with Valdin’s face and burning it. He hissed, stumbling backward, his black eyes showing slight fear from what he had awoken in Esme. She punched him in the stomach, then the face, sending him to his knees. Then she pulled the wrench from his back, looking down at him as he screamed, then brought it down hard on his back. Valdin screamed as a couple of his ribs shattered from the blow. “What the hell are you?” he cried out. “No one said you were this.” He tried to scramble to his feet, but Esme knocked him in the head with the wrench, sending him rolling across the floor. Esme walked towards him, hearing his skin sizzling. With the heated energy radiating off of her, his skin couldn’t heal. “It ends here, Valdin.” she growled. She advanced on him, pushing him closer to the wall behind him, then threw the wrench at him, lodging it into the wall mere inches from his head. It was time to finish this. It was time for him to die. Esme swiftly pulled the knife from her shoulder and advanced on Valdin to finish him off.