[b]NATALIA (AND CASON COLLAB)[/b] At first, Natalia didn't move the slightest bit when Cason pulled her from the pool. She heard his voice but she just thought it was a dream or a reaper in her head trying to convince her to cross over. She never thought for a single moment that it was actually him, until she began to open her eyes. At first, oxygen managed to find it's way back into her lungs, making her come round with a cough and gasp before she winced at the pain that still ran through her whole body. Looking up at Cason, she couldn't believe her eyes, it wasn't just a dream, he really was here and saving her. "....you're really here" she managed to croak out, tears mixing in with what water was still running down her face from her hair. Cason just held Nat loosely as she coughed, letting her get it all out of her system. As she looked up at him, a relieved and shaky sigh left his chest seeing her eyes adjust to his being alive. He pulled her closer to his chest and smirked, "Yeah. It's me...most of me." With the confirmation that she wasn't imagining Cason being here, she wrapped her arms around him and cling to him, despite it absolutely hurt her right shoulder to do so. She didn't care, she needed to cling onto him. Her face burying into his chest. "They told me you were dead" she began to sob. "I thought...I thought I was dying here alone..." She added. He held her steady, allowing her to wrap her arms around him. It was a small human comfort he could give her in that moment, even though every fiber of his being just wanted to sweep her out of the pool and away from this place. He brought a hand up to her wet hair, gently massaging her scalp with his fingers with a sigh, "Yeah. I kinda thought I was dead too. But there was never...listen to me..." He pulled her head back from his chest, cradling her face with one hand as he looked into her eyes, "There was never a time that you would have died alone, here. I would have ripped this world apart to find you, understand?" She listened to him admit that even he thought he was dead for a moment and Nat couldn't help but just be glad that he wasn't. She wouldn't have coped if he had died, she was ready to give up on fighting for survival thinking he was dead. the massaging of her scalp becoming a very soothing action to her, calming her and wiping away that fear she had felt for what seemed like forever. She strangely now had a sense of empathy for Dean and what he must have endured in Hell. When he pulled her head away from his chest and made her look at him, she listened to what he was saying. It was the most earnest and sentimental thing she had ever heard from him, slowly nodding at his question if she understood. His words hitting her heart hard, as she fell silent not knowing what else to say. "I...I'm glad you found me..." Was all that could come out of her mouth, even though every part of her wanting to say 'i love you'. Cason sighed once again as Nat confirmed that she understood he was dead serious about doing anything he possibly could to get her back. Her next words caused him to chuckle. He didn't have the words to tell her how relieved he was. The word that Anna had stopped him from saying when he was on the verge of death definitely wasn't slipping out of his mouth, now. He leaned in, kissing her deeply with a touch of desperation to pour all of that emotion he refused to express into the kiss. She didn't know what she was expecting out of Cason next, she was too focused on looking at him and taking in the fact he was truly here and back with her. Then came the very thing that totally surprised her, him making the first kiss. She felt so much from him in that kiss and she couldn't help but kiss him back deeply. Completely unaware that Mika was in the door way with Dean looking flabbergasted at the sight before them. A massacre and a moment of romance. She didn't want to pull back, but she needed air, her body still trying to accept she could once more breathe. Her breath hitched from the kiss and recovery, she smiled as much as she could at him before wincing as smiling hurt. "...ow...." She grumbled. "I'm a mess ....". Cason chased Nat's lips as she pulled from the kiss, suddenly being reminded that she was human. He smiled back at her, but frowned at the pain that etched itself onto her face. "I never said you're a mess but...I'm sorry about the outburst." He laughed softly, brushing his fingers over her cheek gently. She didn't want to make him frown, but she really couldn't ignore the pain her whole body was in at this moment. She was grateful he denied she was a mess, even if it wasn't true. Though it was incredibly welcoming to see him laugh softly and feel his touch on her very sore cheek. "They really didn't hold back this time..." She told him honestly. "pretty sure my shoulder is broken...." She added, just wanting to curl up in his grip. Mika couldn't take it anymore, they didn't have time for the two of them be all romantic. So she faked a cough from behind Cason in the doorway. "We gotta move" she told them flatly. "Even if you have to carry her loverboy, we're getting outta here NOW" she instructed. [b]SAM[/b] Sam wasn't even sure if Anna would give him any information about her wellbeing whatsoever, but when she did, he was thankful she spoke to him about something. He nodded, relieved that it wasn't anything worse. "Good..." He sighed before once again falling silent. He looked forward again, out the windshield and wondered what to say next. He was so lost in his own mind and his situation with Anna that he hadn't even noticed Dean and Mika sneak off in the impala. At least, until Anna spoke up mentioning Dean. He looked back at her as she told him what Dean said which made him look around the parking lot to see that the impala had indeed gone. "They've gone without us?!" He asked, feeling a little betrayed that Dean would go after Nat without him. He wanted to protect and save his sister as well, he had just as much right to. He sighed frustrated that he got left behind, but nodded in understanding. "...can't say I'm happy being left behind but fine, we'll hold back...." He commented, seeing her looking down at her hands that were covered in Cason's dried blood. "We'll be okay in here. I'll make sure of it" he told her in response to her demon comment. he then fell silent yet again for a few moments before plucking up the courage to speak to Anna. "I am sorry Anna....I know you must hate me right now...hate all of us....I hate myself for how the night turned out. But I won't ever stop trying to prove to you I do love you and care about you and your feelings. I'm so sorry for leaving Cason behind....I regret following Dean's orders..." He told her slowly, and calmly but honestly. "I just hope that one day you can learn to trust me again" he sighed, trying not to cry yet again but remained looking at her with puppy eyes the entire time. He had to force himself not to reach over and grab one of her hands as he figured she wouldn't want him to and probably pull her hand away if he tried. [b]MIKA[/b] Being circled by the demons made Mika feel like prey for the first time in a very long time. Yet she also just got angrier because all they were doing was so far successfully delaying them getting to Natalia. Nat's screams echoed through the empty building as if it was on a tannoy and it made her skin crawl. The scream had distracted her just enough for a demon to get a move in and land a strong blow to Dean's jaw whilst another kicked her in the back of her legs, making her kneel and grit her teeth from the pain. "right where a female hunter should be... Grovelling at my feet!" The male demon who attacked her sneered. "I ain't grovelling asshole" Mika practically spat at her, "I don't grovel to anyone!" She added, swinging one leg out to knock the demon onto the ground where she quickly stood up and with a crushing blow, slammed her boot right down on his neck, snapping it swiftly. Natalia's faint screams just spurred on her anger and in a weird way, gave her that extra boost of strength to keep her fighting. As a second demon rushed her, she rapidly dodged it, spinning round to get behind him, pulling out a knife from her belt and slicing his throat. Her fight mode was so heightened she didn't even think about the fact a lot of these demons were probably possessing innocent people. All she cared about was that she wasn't the one dying tonight and she won't stop until she reaches Natalia, getting Dean to his sister. Seeing the body spark and drop, she turned her attention to another that was trying to get a jump on Dean whilst he dealt with his own attacked, throwing her knife into the skull, letting the body drop to the ground. Now she could focus on using her gun, she fired off around four rounds into the heads of demons when Cason just popped up in front of them out of nowhere. She took looked utterly shocked, having been convinced like the rest of them that he was dead in the barn. She watched her back as she also watched the exchange between the two men, seeing Cason stealing Ruby's knife. She couldn't get any words out of her mouth, only able to look at Cason when he addressed her with the directions of where Nat was being held. She gave a nod back to Cason as he rapidly left the same way he appeared. "Let's get moving!" She told Dean, hearing one demon crawling on the floor in agony. Rolling her eyes, she aimed her gun at their head and just put them out of their misery. "shut it" she said as she shot to kill. It seemed to let up just enough for her to stand next to Dean, placed her hand on his shoulder to check he was good, "you good? Let's go" she spoke to him, remembering the directions that Cason gave her of where Nat was. As she started to run through, glass crunching under foot, she heard demons screaming and smoking out of they were able to. "Seems Cason ain't holding back" she spoke between her breaths from running. Almost sliding round the corner, she found the door in question from the clues that were bloodied dismembered bodies scattered on the ground. It was clear to her that this was the work of hellhounds. "Shit...." She gasped. She cautiously stepped forward and covered her mouth when she saw the state of the room. It was utter carnage, extreme even by her standards and I actually she didn't see Natalia, but when she saw Cason knelt down and cradling a very soaked Natalia. She didn't seem to be moving at first and her fears bubbled up. "Please no..." She whispered watching on, but then Natalia coughed and jolted awake, making her sigh with relief. Yet Cason didn't let her go, and she could have sworn she heard him her Princess. She held her arm infront of Dean, signalling for him to keep back and stay beside her just for a moment. She watched as Natalia fought through pain and hugged Cason, clinging onto him for dear life before sobbing in relief he was alive. For the first time she saw an incredibly soft and human side to Cason. He was so gentle with her, wiping water off of her face, moving her hair out the way and generally being really tender with her. This wasn't emotional fakery going on, this was genuine and it shook Mika deeply. Then came the kiss, a kiss that surprised Mika greatly that seemed to validate her realisation of how much Cason truly cared for Natalia. She let the two of them talk as the kiss broke away until they really couldn't stay here any longer. "We gotta move" she spoke up to break up the tender moment, "even if you have to carry her loverboy, we're getting outta here NOW" she explained firmly but politely enough.