[quote=@Half Pint] Got a new Black Knight post up! And with this one I think I should say that I'm going to retire my Mr. Terrific character, I think I overextending a bit with him at the start and I'm not really sure where to go with him that would properly develop the character. I'll leave the posts up for now, but if anyone wants to redo him or take over the character I'm happy to delete them so they can have a fresh start. For the moment I'm going to focus on Black Knight and get him over to America so he can hopefully start interacting with other characters. I've got a few ideas for other character's like Etrigan or maybe Nova, but for the time being I'll focus on Duncan and not spread myself too thin. [/quote] Understandable I respect you dropping one now knowing your limit rather than burning yourself out trying to do both. Next Iris post will come but since we're leading upto a Collab I'm going to let [@Simple Unicycle] post first.