John was reading and said “focus on the story itself, any facts and details about how it happened and the causes…we need to match the details to you and Serena” Serena smiled at Josh as Luci said “I like a true hearted man…seems your my sweet Shadow Angels man…you better take care of her or I’ll send Maze after you” He looked back at the other two and said “Drake was it? What is it you desire?” Drake felt the power hit but it wasn’t bad. More like a trusted mentor asking his student what he wanted. He said “I want to save my mom and Kay..prove my mom isn’t the cause of the fate…and I want Fia to see me more then just a friend” then he covered his mouth as Luci blinked. “Interesting…time travel gone crazy again. Now I see your problem Ser…” then he looked at Fia and asked “and you dear? What is your true desire?” Serena looked a little sick after that hearing her son’s words. So that’s why Fia had been watching her.