[h3] Anna [/h3] Anna scoffed at Sam’s comment about keeping her safe from demons. She could still feel the buzzing in her brain from all the demon blood and she was covered in it. There wasn’t much that Sam would be able to add to the equation, other than his size, when she was apparently a demonic flame thrower. As the truck fell into silence, Anna sighed with relief, not wanting to hear any sort of apology or anything from Sam. She just wanted to get away from the entire group. She wanted to meet up with Cason and hash out… But Cason was dead. She had no one. In this whole mess, she felt really alone, even with Sam sitting right next to her, but then he spoke up and Anna held her breath. His apology was sincere. She could feel it in his heartbeat, as their hearts tried as always to even out and match up. He was scared. She couldn’t quite place why he was scared…her leaving? Her hating them? His brother and Mika being hurt? Either way, his discomfort was hurting her chest. The tears pricked at her eyes as the gravity of what they had done set in. They had left Cason behind. After everything he had done and risked for the group, Dean Winchester was allowed to make a decision out of emotion. Anna didn’t believe for a second that they couldn’t have saved him. She didn’t believe for a second that he was left behind for any other reason than malice. “Dean left him behind because he wanted him dead, and didn’t want to upset Nat. You know that.” She whimpered. As she turned to look at him, her eyes full of angry tears, her face softened a bit at the look in his eyes. There was no anger in her face, only hurt and betrayal. “I know that we weren’t close, after what happened between us…but he deserved better than that, Sam. And I-I don’t know…” She paused, shaking her head as she fought a sob, “I don’t know that I can trust you not to do the same to me…if push came to shove and Dean told you to. You follow his lead. You’ll always follow his lead.” [h3] Dean and Cason [/h3] Dean was rattled by Cason popping in and popping out like he did, but he was even more rattled when the Hellhounds seemed to growl at him to follow them. He followed them reluctantly, making sure that he and Mika were touching, or at least within touch distance as he quieted his steps behind the giant invisible dogs. Without hesitation, the Hellhounds began going to work, taking down demon after demon as they were slashed at. He passed a demon that swung a knife at him, grabbing the demon by the collar and pulling his foot up to its chest. With a kick, he kicked the demon directly into the jaws of a Hellhound he couldn’t even see. Looking back to make sure that in all the chaos, Mika was still holding her own. “No…he isn’t.” Dean gasped, as the Hellhounds bit the heads off the last few demons by the door, leaving the path open but strewn with body parts. He walked past the Hellhounds, uneasy with them breathing on him, and reached for the handle of the door. One of the Hellhounds jumped up and pushed the door open, breaking the lock with ease, and leaving Dean and Mika standing there in the doorway. What he saw as he looked around shook Dean to his core. Cason had done all this? There were body parts everywhere. The floor, walls and ceiling were painted in blood. Dean’s eyes turned to Cason, who stood there with Nat, as if she was this breakable thing he had to protect and hold onto. He recognized the look on Cason’s face, but shook his head, refusing to believe the body language. He began to step forward, but Mika’s arm barring him from doing so told him that she wasn’t concerned with Cason hurting Nat, despite the little pained sounds his sister was making. He sighed, shifting on his feet and then Cason kissed Nat, and Dean’s face changed to something more protective as he turned to Mika. “Are we going to do anything? Just…let this happen?” He asked, but Mika had apparently read his mind. As she coughed, Dean smirked, proud of her for stepping up and being the less awkward, bigger person here. “We really do need to go.” Dean spoke, turning his eyes to Nat to give her a knowing look. “And I want to take a look at you, the second we survive this hell hole, you got it? He didn’t hurt you did he, because if he did…” “I wouldn’t hurt her. I told you that, already. And Yes, let’s get out of here. Lilith will send more, now that she knows I’m here.” Cason agreed, wrapping an arm around Nat’s waist. He reached under the water and picked up her legs, turning to carry her out of the room. “So, they’re here for you. Great. All roads lead back to…” Dean started, a sarcastic and annoyed expression sweeping across his face. “So leave me behind, tough guy. That’s a solid plan, right?” Cason reminded Dean, causing Dean to narrow his eyes at the tone of Cason’s voice. Cason was threatening to call him out in front of Nat…right then. “Take a swipe at me when I get your ass out of here. Until then, keep your mouth shut and follow close.” Without another word, Cason pushed past Dean and into the hallway, flanked by all three Hellhounds. Dean stood, frozen for a moment, until a Hellhound pushed past him and pulled him out of his thoughts, his heart thumping in his ears. He didn’t even want to think of how much Natalia would hate him for leaving Cason behind. It was worse than killing him. The dogs pushed in front of him, as Cason stopped to listen, for any sign of Esme in the asylum. After a moment, he picked up on her, and lifted his eyes to the right side of the ceiling, switching them to black. At least Nat wasn’t new to his demonic side. He turned his head to her, and scanned her eyes. “I’m going to have to leave you for just a second. I promise, I’ll be right back. Stay with Mika.” He explained to Nat, his eyes still glossed over in black as he slowly lowered her to the ground, making sure she was firmly on her feet. He snapped at one of the Hellhounds, who stepped over, standing almost chest level with Nat. The giant dog leaned against her, offering it’s back as support. “I’ll be…right…back.” As Cason disappeared, Dean quickly jogged up to Natalia, squatting in front of her to offer his back. He didn’t give her much of a choice, backing her into a wall and wrapping both her legs around his waist, before lifting her up, “Let’s get you out of here. I’ll come back for him.” Dean glanced to Mika, letting her know that he was serious. He wasn’t leaving Cason behind, even if every single fiber of his being wanted to. Cason landed just inside the door, his eyes instantly changing back to blue and nearly bulging out of his head as he watched Esme. She was vicious, and at that moment, Cason wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to be locked in the same room with her. His fight or flight mode was kicking in. He backed toward the door, ready to disappear back to Natalia and let Esme hold her own. But Violet showed up, bursting the door down with a quick jump into the metal plate. Cason flinched as if a gun had fired next to his head and he quickly looked from the door to Esme, holding a hand out. There was no way she didn’t know he was there. “So…I came back.” He chimed sheepishly. [h3] Duke [/h3] “Mr. Hatfield, we don’t know what is happening but you can’t just leave. We made a mistake and we need to be able to document the mistake by giving you a once over.” A nurse called from behind Duke. He was naked, standing in the middle of the holding area of the morgue, thoroughly confused. He had woken up with no explanation, covered in a white sheet that was smothering him, naked, and alone in the morgue. “I have to find my brother. I have to…My brother will know what to do.” Duke spoke with a shivering voice. He grabbed the effects bag they had packed for him, and quickly ripped it open, pouring it out on the gurney, before rummaging through it. He picked up his bloody pants, slipping them over his bare legs, then picked up his belt. He buttoned his pants and slipped the belt through the loops before buckling it with some effort, due to the shaking in his hands. “Sir, no brother was here with you.” The nurse explained, holding her hands out in front of her as if Duke would hurt her. He frowned at her, and then realized that Dean must not have been the one to bring him to the hospital, and wouldn’t be listed as his brother anywhere in his records. “Your girlfriend hasn’t been seen since we…since the doctor spoke to her. We could t-try to get ahold of her, but Mr. Hatfield, we really need to figure out how you’re alive, alright?” “Nah. I’m good.” Duke answered simply, shoving his wallet, and phone into his pocket. He unrolled his jacket, and slipped it over his bare shoulders, before turning and walking through the door of the morgue. As he walked down the hallway, he could hear the nurse calling behind him, but he only had one thing on his mind. Find his family. An exit door stood out to him, and through his blurry vision, he limped toward it, shoving it open with a loud alarm blaring after him. As soon as he was outside, he glanced down at his stomach and frowned. He needed bandages. For some reason, the nurses had stitched him up but they didn’t bandage the wound. That was a worry for down the road, as the chill hit him, and he pressed forward.