[h2]Esme[/h2] As Esme stepped closer to Valdin, her glowing eyes took on an eerie lavender hue. Valdin scrambled back, pushing himself up against the wall behind him and holding his hands out in front of himself. She was projecting a heavy load of fear onto him. He opened his mouth to speak, but his words caught in his throat, and his eyes went wide with fear. He grabbed his throat as if fighting for air as Esme tilted her head to the side with a malicious grin on her lips. “There’s no talking your way out of this, Valdin.” she growled. “It all ends here tonight.” Esme quickly closed the rest of the gap between them and jammed her knife into Valdin’s shoulder as she knelt in front of him. His scream bounced off the walls of the room. Grabbing a handful of his hair, she threw his head against the wrench protruding from the wall so hard it left a large gash. “Goodbye, Valdin.” she growled, placing her hands on his face. While Valdin screamed in pain from his melting face, Esme hadn’t noticed that Cason had entered the room behind her. All of her focus was on killing Valdin. She didn’t stand and collect her knife until Valdin was nothing more than a puddle of bubbling goo at her feet. She stood over the puddle of goo, breathing heavily and angry tears running down her cheeks. At the sound of the door coming down, Esme spun around with an almost feral growl in her throat, her glowing eyes locking onto Cason. His words barely registered in her brain. She was still in fight mode and looked like she would attack him at any moment. Sarah came running into the room toward Esme but skidded to a halt and backed up beside Cason with a whimper. Sarah was scared and didn’t know how to take this side of Esme she’d never seen before. Suddenly, Esme threw her knife toward Cason. It flew just inches from his head and stuck into the forehead of a demon coming up behind him. “You sure took your sweet time getting here.” she growled between breaths. Just then, Morana appeared in the room behind Esme, her face still charred, and screamed when she saw what was left of Valdin. “You little bitch!” she shouted, hitting Esme in the back of the head with a pipe. Esme fell forward with a growl, then quickly took to her feet, spun around, and charged her, ramming her into the wall. Morana screamed in pain as her skin burned and sizzled from being so close to Esme. “Now, it’s your turn.” Esme growled in Morana’s face. She placed her hands on Morana’s face, watching it melt beneath her hands. She then took the screaming woman by the collar and threw her toward the two Hellhounds in the room. Sarah jumped on Morana and bit down on her head, silencing her. Esme turned back to Cason and the two Hellhounds growling and breathing heavily. She fought against the urge to attack Cason, even though her stance said she would attack him at any moment. As Esme stood there, she was slightly surprised she was still standing, surprised she survived all that she went through that night. Part of her wished she hadn’t. She had nothing to go back to now that Valdin was dead. If she were to attack Cason, would he put her out of her misery?