By the time he got there Ash was firing at the bots who were on a full on attack on her. One bot was sparking on the ground from her blaster shots but the gun was on the ground as Ash was fighting with another bot who was trying to get to the back shed. The last bot was being taken down by Trigger. Ash finally got up and kicked the bots chest hard, braking into it and the bot fell lifeless. But the last bot grabbed Triggers neck and threw him into the wall and saw Chi standing at the doorway. It stood up and aimed its arm at him, a blaster built in. It fired at Chi and Ash cursed “no get down!” She jumped and tackled Chi, the ballast hitting her in the shoulder. She landed in front of him and gasped in pain her shoulder burned badly. Ash flinched trying to get up and muttered “run…you shouldn’t get involved in this..”.