[center][color=ED2939][h1]Shieldwing[/h1][/color][/center] [color=ED2939]"Oh yeah?"[/color] Shieldwing asked, glancing back at his own wings. He couldn't lie, he was eager for his own wings to grow. He really hoped that he could be one of the first dragons in the clutch to master the power of flight! [color=ED2939]"I wonder if they'd be impressed if I learned how to do it quickly...."[/color] he murmured lowly. He turned his attention back upward to Rudrick, eyeing up the larger dragon's wings for a moment. [color=ED2939]"How long did it take you and Garrock to learn? What's the fastest you've ever seen a new Winged Drake master their new ability? Do drakes ever get it right on the first try?"[/color] As he spoke, he began to increase his pace to keep up with the older dragon a bit better, even starting to walk around him a bit more, looking up at Rudrick with even more interest and less uncertainty than a few moments ago. [color=ED2939]"What's something I should remember when I do finally grow big enough to fly? I wanna be ready!"[/color] He may be getting a bit distracted from his ultimate question at the moment, but...this little side tangent had caught his interest. If he could be not only a strong dragon, but a strong dragon but with superior flight skills? Maybe that was how he could get one over on enemies he currently struggled to deal with....