There was something about the energy of this moment, soup bowls all cleaned up and the whole... uh... 'team' gathered around a mostly still intact table, that made Kat feel like everybody ought to be wearing a uniform. What kind of uniform? No idea! An old fashioned school uniform from one of the animes, something in a deep, darling blue perhaps? A crisp black number with shiny brass buttons, fancy looking medals pinned to the chest, and an awesome looking hat? Some kind of sports jersey with those really neat shin guard dealies and spiky shoes? Maybe just a bunch of leather jackets with a matching team logo on the back? Iono! Sky's the limit I guess? Point is, she just felt like they oughta have 'em. But, bein' honest I don't know where they'da found that stuff on such short notice to begin with and even if they had it's difficult to imagine too many on the team woulda been all that enthusiastic about the prospect at all. It's sorta like, can you even picture Ivar in a skirt? I mean yes, you can, but it'd be a daring leather number with studs and belts and whatever else like you'd find on a warrior. I'm talkin' pleats here. Like I'm not saying she'd look [i]bad[/i] but... you don't think she'd hate it? You don't?! Really? Huh. Any-- and the socks, too? All the way up to her knees? And those little shoes, I can't remember what they're called, but you know the ones I'm talking about. You [i]really[/i] think the Avenger would be fine with. I! Wow. I mean I guess never judge a book by its cover right? Can't say I'm not surprised but that really says more about me huh? Well in any, no I mean. Hold up. The little top, too? That demure little button up shirt with the dainty cuffs? You think they could even pattern that to fit on a body like hers? Like I'm not trying to make her feel bad, it's just I mean come on right? You think her legs are long and you're right but that torso is. Mmf. Goshies. I feel like-- no yeah? Yeah no? No yeah yeah no yeah? With the ribbon sailor scarf whatsit on her shoulders and everything? No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No. No! I just don't see it. I really, really don't. Look, I-- hey I am [i]not[/i] trying to body shame! I'm saying it's a [i]crime[/i] to cover her up like that when she could be dazzling the world in a sleek black dress. Something open chested, like, with super high thigh slits, and a ton of gold jewelry draping over everything so she looks like a queen on her way to the Kikil Land Gala. Put her back in that braid? Awoo. But no. No, like, she looks crazy young and everything but I don't see high school being her Huh? Trousers? No I guess but isn't that ceding the point? What the heck does 'Sabers are meant to be cross-dressing beauties' mean? I really need you to........ *** "The problem," said Ivar, "Is that I cannot account for any of the remaining Servants. It limits the scope of our plans." Something about her magic seemed reduced. She no longer exuded evil energy or withered the ground just by standing on it, and her voice sounded normal again. A little softer and more airy than when she'd been able to call herself Saber, but still singular and distinctly human. Her wounds were still stitching themselves shut, but they did so with agonizing slowness. Especially compared with the invincible nightmare warrior that had attacked everyone not half a day prior. A very frazzled looking Katherine Isabella Fluffybiscuits looked up (and up, and up) at her. Nothing about this strategy meeting had gone at all according to the picture in her head, and she lacked for both tact and guile enough to keep that from showing on her face and in her eyes and across her sad, drooping ears. "I, I mean. But if we could make even one of them our friends then wouldn't it not matter? We already have Berserker and she's so strong," "To what degree are you able to control her in such tight formations?" "A-and you're really strong too, and you've done all this war stuff like a million times already," "I do not know how I appear to you, child. But it is wiser not to count me among your battle assets." "So if we just, huh??" said Kat, with all the emotional intensity of a girl who could not under any circumstances juggle any more bad news. "My spirit core is barely holding together. If it comes to a fight I will win it for you but the longer we can disguise our approach the greater our chances will be." Kat moaned. Cyanis glanced over from over top her sunglasses, but other than pausing from her very important luxury diamond nail filing she just sniffed derisively and ignored what was happening. Diaofei stared at what should have been her own loyal Servant with a look on her face that seemed half about to speak up. But she offered nothing, and turned her head down to her meditations. Her chains rattled where they pulled against Actia's. It was Angelesia who looked the most worried, in spite of everything she'd been through. "Your spirit core?" she asked, "Are you trying to say you're dying?" "I am already dead." "Lancer already explained that part to me, I meant --" "Consider me as a weapon. A bow, specifically. I may be used to fire three arrows at the most. After that I will shatter, and not even my hatred or my promises will keep me on this earth for very long." "Then we just need to contact Lancer! If we have her do your fighting for you, we'll manage. Plus tactics are her specialty! She'll know exactly what we need to do, even better than you!" She grinned for long enough to realize that sounded like an insult, and then became very interested in her arm. Ivar glared at her. "Lancer's agenda is the Sunshard, and her loyalty is to Rome. She will not join us, and I would not trust her if she did." "B-but if I just explain it's being used to do something evil she'll listen to me, won't she? I'm her M-m, I mean! She's my Servant!" "Girls?" squeaked Kat. "You are also loyal to Rome." "Wh-what does that?" Angelesia looked horrified, "But we have an alliance!" "Girls??" Kat worried at her tails. "You are also loyal to Rome. I do not trust you either." "Girls!" screamed Kat, stomping her foot on the floor. All heads turned to look at her. She quivered, but cleared her throat heroically. "Lets, uh, focus on the important stuff ok? We're together for right now and that's what matters. Miss Saber you say you can't fight more than three times, right? But actually I don't think we should fight at all anymore if we can help it. I've just, uh, been thinkin' about it and... it's you Servants that are s'posed to power the ritual, right? So if any more of you die..." She looked all around the table for someone who could back her up. Instinctively her eyes fell on Actia, who had the most tails of anybody here and also understood what she was trying to do better than Kat had ever managed, for all the effort she'd bent toward the topic. The four-tail merely leaned her head back and closed her eyes. But her lips turned up in a queer little smile. "Oh whatever let's just steal it," said Cyanis, "If we heist the heist back, that's like a triple heist or something. And it'll be easy since we don't even need to take it from Qiu this time." "I have tolerated quite a lot so far," said Diaofei despite having done nothing of the sort, "But I will not sit and watch a pack of foxes seize a sunshard! As if you could be trusted with such a thing! This entire miserable ritual is proof enough of that!" "Fluffy earist." sneered Cyanis. "I... beg your pardon?" "I dunno Cy, I think giving it back to Princess Qiu is our only hope." "WHAT?!" "Look! We are in [i]so[/i] much trouble already! Even if the world doesn't blow up, [i]and it's gonna[/i], nobody's getting any more tails out of this. Actia tricked us. All we can do is put everything back the way we found it and say we're really, reaaaaally sorry and then maybe we get to live the rest of our lives somewhere not named Cutie Fox Island." "You traitor! You coward! I can't believe you! After everything I've done for you!!" "I am not fooled for a moment by either of you. There is not a fox alive who understands emotions. This is a ploy to enter the good graces of myself and the innocent, and it has failed. How convenient to offer promises and play up the nobility of your 'sacrifice' when none of us even know where the sunshard is located." Actia stirred. Even this slight motion drew a pained wince out of her, though when it passed she was the picture of placid calmness that should have put Diaofei to shame just as much as it managed to frustrate Avenger. "I am surprised at you, Diaofei. You are every bit as cruel as you have accused me of being. Did our time together mean nothing to you?" The monk was silent. Bound as she was there was no physical remonstrance available to her, and any lecture she might have been on the verge of offering was cut off by Actia's apparently having fallen back asleep. It pulled her short, and with nothing else left to her she was forced to think. Several minutes later, her eyes opened wide. "No. She can't have meant..." *** Right so without at LEAST a big strong pair of boots you agree we're not halfway to showing off how hot she is! Gosh! I don't understand why this was so hard. Now where was... oh. Oh no. You can't mean I missed it? I did? Oh shoot, I did! Ah darn it all come on I was looking forward to this! What am I supposed to narrate now? It's my turn, darn it!! Come on just give me a better chance, I won't mess around next time! Please?