[center][img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/Dragon%20Age/Cadmus/Tarot%20Resized.png[/img][/center] [hr] Cadmus nodded in satisfaction after they were dismissed. All the answers he had gathered thus far seemed reasonable. At the very least Cadmus could rest easy that this did not seem to be a desperate vainglorious half-cocked operation not unlike what was attempted by the Orlesian Warden during the Corypheus debacle. But at the same time, they also did not see it necessary to be overly conservative in their attempts such as avoiding politics. Actually, this was, exactly the sort of middle ground Cadmus had been arguing for. Taking the fight directly to the darkspawn eschewing the outdated part of the Warden's doctrines, but doing so with caution. All in all, Cadmus would say that this was an operation he could get behind on and support. As ordered, Cadmus went ahead and started packing for the trip. He brought his usual kit. His mage staff and dagger, crossbow and bolts, a couple of spare clothes, and of course, his Ritewine. He also packed in the standard first injury kits as well as some health salve and mana potions, for good measure. They weren't ordered to prepare for any specific things, and so Cadmus decided it was best to treat this as a routine mission. And so, having been Warden for a while, he finished packing for the usual deep road trips early, with enough time of writing and submitting his input for the demonstration of the new magical research on weakening the Blight’s grip on plant life he saw earlier on the day. As night came, Cadmus arrived at the designated meeting place, before loading his belongings into the cart. The Tevinter warden then hopped onto the cart and start making himself comfortable. Turning to the rest of his compatriots, he spoke, [color=0072bc]"Weather looks good for the trip, what with the clear moon in the sky. Doesn't look like it will rain, at least. In any case, as we are to work together, I do believe it is prudent to do as the High Constable suggested and get to know each other a little, no? Pragmatically, it also make sense for us to learn a bit about our skillset so we can effectively work together. Since I'm the one who brought it up, I will start. I'm Cadmus Laenas, originally from Tevinter. I was recruited to the wardens about four years ago by a family friend, before that I was a member of the Tevinter Magisterium, so in the off-chance we need some diplomacy on this mission, I will be happy to contribute what I can. As for battle...well, I am a mage. I have access to healing spells, but my specialty is...well, blood magic."[/color] Knowing the typical reactions from Southerners, Cadmus then hurriedly added, [color=0072bc]"However, I am properly trained and I can assure you that you are in no danger of coming face-to-face with an abomination. As you know, the wardens do not forbid blood magic, and we do that for a reason, warden mages who practice blood magic know how to do it safely and passed down the knowledge to newer recruits, and even before that I am properly trained in the Tevinter Circle of Magi, so rest assured that the only magic I cast will be at our enemies."[/color]