[b]NATALIA[/b] The pool water was beginning to make Natalia cold, but not enough to start shivering just yet. She figured that would happen no doubt once she was out. She looked at Dean when he turned to her, talking to her her attention. She figured he or one of the others would want to check her over when they got out of this place, hells, she WANTED someone to check her over. She couldn't bare to do it herself, she was too scared of just breaking down at the sight of her injuries. It was difficult enough to not burst into tears again right now when Dean was being so protective. She shook her head slowly to answer his question about Cason hurting her to co firm that what Cason said was indeed true. He saved her life by pulling her out of the pool, there was no way he'd hurt her. "Okay...." She simply said in response to the order he was going to check her over himself when they were out of here. She held onto Cason as he shifted into a position and lifted her out, carrying her close to him. Water dropped off her clothes, hair and boots onto the ground, mixing with the blood pools already on the floor from the carnage Cason unleashed and from the previous torture she got put through. The movement made every part of her body hurt, making her hiss as she tried to stop herself from screaming in agony. She gripped Cason's coat tightly as he and Dean still had a moment of a verbal fight, not wanting to know what Cason was implying about the leaving him behind. She let him just carry her passes Dean and Mika and put of the room she never wanted to see again for the rest of her life. Her head resting against his chest and shoulder as he walked, with her family behind them both. Then he stopped which made her lift her head ever so slightly to look at him confused, she didn't know Esme was also here, she thought it was just the three of them that came for her. When he looked at her with his black eyes, she didn't flinch or turn away from him, she looked him in the eyes, not feeling any danger from his eyes unlike the other demons. She looked scared about being put down and him leaving for a moment, she had shake her head in slight protest before he repeated that hee was coming back and she felt a hellhound using it's back to prop her up when she was on her two feet. She never felt safe in this building without Cason being there, but she reluctantly let him go, just watching him disappear after Esme. She felt the strange invisible warmth coming off the hound as half her body was propped up by it. When Dean jogged right up to her and knealed down in front of her, she knew exactly what he was implying even though she didn't want it, but Mika gave her the nod to say 'just do it, he's been scared crapless' so she let Dean back her into the wall, hoist her onto his back, wrapping her legs around him which made her drape her one good arm over his shoulders. She hissed again from the pain, "ow...Dean this hurts..." She complained like a child, even though from all his fighting, his body heat was welcome as she was feeling colder and colder, shivering beginning to take hold as she laid her head against him as he told her he would come back for Cason. She watched him look at Mika and Mika back at him, the glances she knew well enough: he was telling the truth. She let him carry her even though it hurt with every step Dean made. Nat couldn't even stop some of her whimpers and complaints from escaping her mouth. "Someone should burn this place to ash..." She finally said, not wanting to risk being brought back here for a third time. No one deserved the experience she endured in the building they were leaving behind. [b]SAM[/b] Anna's scoff at his initial words tugged at Sam's heart. Sure he probably deserved the silent stand off-ish response from her but that didn't mean it hurt any less. He felt like everything he tried to win her over and prove he was trustworthy, he failed on a greater scale each and every time. He hated himself for it, he wanted to be a better person than Dean, than their dad. Yet he was feeling like he was anything but better. When she finally looked at his guilt ridden and scared face, he hoped she could tell he was genuinely feeling those emotions in that moment. He was terrified he was losing family left, right and centre, terrified of losing her and terrified they were going to lose this massive fight for what's to come. Then came a sentence that he never wanted to admit to himself. He didn't want to believe that a sole reason for leaving Cason for dead in the barn. He watched her as she had looked away then looked back at him tearful and angry. He looked down at his hands still on the steering wheel of the truck and slowly nodded. "I didn't want to believe that was the reason....but...since I've been sitting here it's something I keep thinking about. That Dean let his emotions get the better of his judgement." He admitted to her, hoping that some admittance to what happened might help in some way. He didn't know how it would help but he hoped it would anyway. He let her continue talking, taking her time to get her words out when suddenly the last thing she said absolutely ripped his heart out and stomped on it. He quickly looked up at her, tears spilling over and down his cheeks, "I could never leave you behind" he told her truthfully, "I know that's going to be hard to believe right now....that I've done nothing tonight to deserve your belief in what I say, but I wouldn't ever blindly follow Dean if it meant leaving you behind....." He told her. "I love you so much and every fibre of my being wouldn't let me leave you" he continued saying. [b]MIKA[/b] One reason for Mika tactfully interrupting the two of them was down Dean. She knew he wouldn't like Cason kissing his sister, much less his sister kissing him back. She aware of him smirking at her words , knowing he would have been happy with her choice of interruption. She watched, ready to jump into action if Cason struggled to get Nat out of the pool but he seemed to be able to lift without too much trouble. She saw properly for herself when Cason turned to face the door again just how beat up Nat was. Cuts on arms and legs, swollen face on one side, soaking wet and bruised. It made her feel guilty for taking as long as they did to find her, even though there was no way of getting to her any quicker. She tried to not look too worried but she had a feeling she wasn't succeeding too well in that regard. "boys stop with the bickering...Nat is our priority" she told them both firmly as they trash talked with each other before finally Cason pushed passed Dean and exited the room with the hellhounds. The feeling of the hellhounds so close always made her so feel uneasy, she didn't trust them in the slightest after witnessing Lilith's tear Dean apart. Gathering her thoughts Mika walked towards the exit of the room when she saw Cason stop in the main front area of the building, looking up to the right. Raising an eyebrow, she wondered what he was picking up on when he told Nat he was leaving her with herself. This made Mika instantly step towards Nat to help keep her upright as Cason let her down, but she was uneasy herself at a hellhound propping Natalia up opposite her. Yet it unnerved her more that Natalia didn't seem in the least bit phased by it. [I]'pht it down to her pain making her not care Meeko'[/I] she thought to herself to try and rationalise the whole situation. She glanced back at Dean who also seemed to have a better idea as he jogged up to Nat, backed her into a wall and picked her up onto his back. She helped him balance her onto his back and stepped to the side when Dean had a firm grip on Nat. She agreed in just getting out of there but when he said about going back for Cason, even she raised an eyebrow. Did he really tell Natalia the truth? She wasn't sure until he glanced at her with a look that reassured her mind. Giving him a nod, she helped him exit the building, keeping an eye out for any remaining threat as they headed for the front door. She couldn't help but smirk ever so slightly when Nat started complaining about how much the piggy back hurt, sounding like such a child.