[b]SAM[/b] Seeing Anya laugh at the mental image he just gave her about Dean, brought a smile to Sam's face. There was something so pure and almost innocent to it that he found incredibly endearing and made her seem like a completely different person to the frustrated girl in the electronic store he first saw. Opening his can, he sat on the edge of the table in his best attempt to stay out of her way but also be close enough if she needed his help with anything or to grab something for her. Part of him, like when Lexi insisted on cooking, felt a little guilty that his guest was cooking food for them, but he also had a feeling that if he tried to convince her he'd just buy takeout and she shouldn't have to cook when she's a guest, he'd get a mouthful about being old fashioned. He learned his lesson with Lexi on that subject. He also kept thinking about how almost shy she went when he tucked her hair out the way just moments ago. She really was a stunning looking woman he thought to him which made him go to the table and sit on it and try and be normal for once. He did t want to be like Dean when it came to girls, he never was and certainly didn't want to start now, especially when it seemed Anya had that kind of personality trait down pat already. Watching her prepare food and making an appropriate amount of mess in the process, he couldn't help but smile at the whole situation in front of him. When she put everything in the oven, he snapped out of his thoughts and saw her typing out what she wanted to say, so he listened when it played out loud. He smirked when she said about winning his brother's heart with her cooking. "oh I see, so it IS Dean you're more interested in!" He teased back, faking disappointment before just laughing and shaking his head at his terrible reaction. He noticed she was looking at him a d all his features as they fell into an awkward silence, as both them seemed to possibly be trying to think of a topic to talk about. When she didn't seem to stop looking, he realised she had completely zoned out making him about to snap her out of it when she seemed to do that herself. He let her type out whatever it was she wanted to say, not expecting the very next words to be spoken at all. So he wasn't just imagining the whole thing about them, and it wasnt just a fluke that she had kissed him earlier. He shook his head, "it's not just you.. I do feel it too" he confirmed to her before she pointed out the obvious about it being just the two of them in the bunker. "it is" he clarified, pushing himself off the table and stepping over to her, glancing down at her softly. [B]LEXI[/b] She truly understood why Dean was being aggressively protective about this job. She probably understood it more than most people would ever realise. She took was always scared about people getting too close to her and then dying on her. She didn't want to be the cause for Dean getting hurt yet again when she already knew how much hurt there still was in his heart, just as there was in her own. It may have been a year but there were nights after hunts that she'd still see her ex in her sleep ripped to shreds on their living room floor. The sight making her toss and turn in her sleep only to wake up in a sweat. That guilt of not being home that night will forever torment and haunt her, no matter how much she moved forward in her life. It was guilt like no other and she NEVER wanted to add to it by getting another person hurt or killed. She gave a nod at his promise to let her have first swing if this guy gave them the run about and it brought a smirk to her lips. "Damn straight you will" she half teased, half said in seriousness. She took doubted that whoever they were meeting hadn't dealt with hunters before which meant they had the advantage of surprise when it came to skills. She didn't even think about her hand when it dropped to the seat between them, it when he caved into his desires and grabbed it, she looked down and followed his hand as he brought hers to his lips and kissed it protectively. "Right" she agreed, even though he didn't strictly speak to her. He wasn't the only one imagining ways things could go wrong, but she tried to focus on the situation going right instead. It was the only way she could stay sane, so she gave his hand a squeeze with her own, linking her fingers between his. There was definitely way they could keep themselves from getting close, no matter how much they tried to deny it. ----- At the meeting point, she looked around and eventually spotted someone standing in the distance nearby an old beat up car. "Chances of that being our guy?" She asked Dean, seeing that the guy looked to be in his late teens/early twenties at most, jacket and hoodie on with hood up. "Guess it's showtime" she sighed, placing her other hand on the door handle to open it up.