[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zgz7kqf.png[/img][/center][color=lightgray][center][h3][color=Burlywood]Duke Gideon Edwards[/color] & [color=F0E399]Duchess Victoria Edwards[/color] [/h3][/center] [color=Burlywood]Time:[/color] 10am [color=F0E399]Location:[/color] Drake Edwards Birthday Party at the Edwards Estate Backyard [color=Burlywood]Mentions/Interactions:[/color][@FunnyGuy] Lorenzo [@Helo] Callum [@PapaOso] Cassius [@princess] Charlotte [@Tpartywithzombi] Ariella [hr] The sun bathed the sprawling lawn of the Edwards estate in warmth, highlighting the luxurious decorations Duchess Victoria had painstakingly arranged for Drake's birthday. Tables draped in fine linen were filling with guests, and now that the drama of the previous moment had become smoke beginning to settle…the air grew slightly less tense. Duke Gideon swirled the cocktail in his hand as his eyes took in the craftmanship of the beverage. Taking a sip, he relished its taste, letting the rich flavors linger on his palate. Victoria sat beside him; her eyes alight with mischief as she aimed a teasing remark at Count Calbert Damien. [color=F0E399]"It seems your son has quite the taste, doesn’t he, Calbert?"[/color] she cooed, her lips curling into a sly smile. [color=F0E399]"Fancying Lady Charlotte, of all people. I do hope the boy knows what he’s getting himself into. Poor girls always seemed a bit... unhinged to me. And we all know what they say about women of her type. I mean just look to the newspapers…if what they say about her is true, is she even worth your son’s time, Calbert?"[/color] Gideon stiffened slightly; his gaze fixed on the pair in question. The conversation around him became naught but a distant hum as he looked to Cassius, who had his arm draped casually around Charlotte. The man’s posture was effortlessly confident, while Charlotte, with that striking dark hair and quiet grace, seemed to brighten at his presence. Despite Victoria's dismissive words, Gideon saw something in Charlotte that Victoria refused to acknowledge…a resilience, a strength. She was, after all, Walter’s daughter. He studied Cassius more carefully. The man’s brash charm and the way he commanded attention was strikingly familiar. It was something Walter himself had too, though Walter’s confidence had been more tempered, less raw. For better or worse, the similarities were unmistakable. Gideon sighed quietly, unsure of how to feel. A Vikena and a Damien… That’ll be the day. Victoria’s voice broke his thoughts. [color=F0E399]"I mean, Charlotte always had a knack for drawing attention, didn't she? It’s just a shame it’s never for the right reasons. And Lorenzo! Don’t get me started on that fool again, but that was quite the display… I fear the lessons he is instilling in Charlotte with outbursts like that will only make her even more intolerable.”[/color] Her words came out brimming with disdain as she reached for her own drink and took quite the sip. [color=F0E399]“Oh and speaking of drawing attention…Seems like Callum is going to fit right in at the table with those Vikena freaks. Don’t worry, Calbert, your son will surely see what we see in no time."[/color] Gideon’s jaw tightened, though he said nothing, unwilling to ignite another pointless argument on the matter. Instead, his attention shifted, as out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a familiar figure approaching. Ariella. His heart clenched. He had been so worried about her. After all, spending the night in the royal dungeon was no small matter, and her latest rebellion had left Gideon in a storm of concern. [color=Burlywood]"Excuse me,"[/color] he murmured to Victoria, who was too absorbed in her conversation to even notice his departure. Gideon strode across the lawn toward his daughter, his tall frame cutting a path through the festivities. His voice was low but filled with fatherly concern when he reached her. [color=Burlywood]"Ariella…"[/color] he said, his hand resting gently on her shoulder, [color=Burlywood]"Are you alright, my sweet?"[/color][/color]