[quote=@Sky Blue] 1. the year is 2098, and technology is actually almost the same, except the world is way too overpopulated, so the organization thought, "hey, if we wipe out one half of the world, the other half will have everything they'll ever need!" THANOS! so they attack the americas. 2. it was kind of a shadow organization that had holds in almost every major government, so it just sent someone to get the bomb job then launch. 3. if you were on the surface, the radiation would overdose and kill you. so you have to hide. plus, it's not instantaneous. it takes at least a month. 4.unintended 5. the organization plans to finish them off because they know the truth about how the organization fired on them. ( they discover it on their journey. ) You see, the organization used used America's own bombs against itself, so it looked like suicide. If the truth got out, there would be riots, and the organization would collapse. [/quote] That one went right over your head, my dude...