John looked over and said “seems life and death are linked in a lot of myths…I have one here that says Nyx was the guardian of the seasons since all of them change over the night. The one who watched over the changing world in the night it her favorite was the spring for it was the rebirth of the world…much like a phoenix does…” he paused and said “in your myth…do you think the Seth is the one whose hunting down Serena and you? Maybe…whoever the role is wants Serena dead and gone…and your isis in the role?” Lucifer said “it’s what was needed wasn’t it? I wasn’t sure it would work on them with who their parents are but seems the human blood makes it work. I can’t get Serena to tell me unless she wants to. But what she is I already knew” he walked to the couch and sat down. “Come over and sit all of you. It seems we need to have a long chat. Maze? Mind bringing over some glasses and drinks for the morning light?” Drake walked over and sat, still bright red. Serena sat close to Lucifer and said “you knew?” He nodded and said “as soon as I held her hand. I can feel the flames of life anywhere. But I’m honored to meet one in the flesh. I’d like to meet your mother dear if I could.” He looked at Fia as her and Chas came over. “But I think you need to feel safer around me first. Now that I know what’s happening I can rest you at ease. I’m an Angel. I have no desire to bring anyone to hell that doesn’t deserve it. And creatures of life really don’t belong there. So you don’t need to worry about me selling anyone out to demons. I’m the gatekeeper of hell, not their overlord. I know what the Bible says mix’s that up but you know how rumors go. No one on the outside ever get it right” Serena smiled softly and asked “Lucifer…am I a threat?” Lucifer smiled warmly at Serena and took her hand, noticing Josh watching. He said with a gentle tone “you don’t have a nasty bone in your body my dear. If the future says you’re the one who betrays your family…then their got it all wrong. No, my guess is we have the old gods struggle in modern times. It’s never just two. It’s all ways a triangle” He looked at Fia and said “now…you mind telling us why you’re truly here? What started all of this? Details are important” Drake huffed softly and said “she thinks my mother has a hand in what makes things go so wrong…with no good reason to. Apart from a book she happened to find” he pulled the book from his jacket and slammed it on the table.