Kay listened to John as he read out what he found in the old books. As much as it was all interesting to her, it was also overwhelming to read blue to being so much information to try and compute in her mind. She gave serious thought to his question, and via what she had read on the laptop. "I guess it's possible..? But that doesn't explain why so many of the down world and demons want me? Or do they think I'd be more powerful if I'm forced to be linked to Isis or whatever?" She theorised. [b]THE LUX BAR[/b] Maze did what Lucifer asked of her, whilst he group all walked over to his couch and sat down around him. Fia has to put in full restraint to not sit on the coffee table like she would have done at home in her time. She was also surprised that Lucifer already knew what she was just by holding her hand. It seemed her dad's spell work to dull down and disguise her phoenix bloodline to strangers, via a sigil tattooed on her didn't work on Lucifer. She listened to what he said about how stories about him have been dramatically blown out of proportion and twisted. She really wanted to believe Lucifer, but she still felt slightly violated on being forced to tell her truths. "Depends on which year version of her. My actual mother in my time is kinda corrupted, being a demon weapon and oractically burning cities down, so not sure you'd ever get to meet her....this year's version who is my mother but isn't? Can't say if she would or not. She's barely learned what she is" she said honestly, not seeing a point in being secretive anymore. She then let Serena ask Lucifer if she truly was a threat to humanity and it made Fia look down at her lap. She really didn't want to believe Serena was a heavy player in her mother's corruption but when she only went by leads she found, she couldn't help but be swayed by it all. Out the corner of her eye, she saw Lucifer look back at her once more, making her look up to reply to him when Drake spoke for her, clearly still very angry at what she found. "I don't wanna believe these leads, but it's all I've got so far." She said, clearly still upset that Drake is angry at her. "We didn't know where else to turn and Serena suggested coming to you for help. So we all came here whilst dad....I mean, John and Kay stayed behind for research. But it all started when about three months ago, in my time that is, demons managed to get one over on dad in a distraction motivated fight and somehow during that mum went missing from our home. Next thing we saw, she was corrupted after not being found for days and was quite literally a living weapon on a metaphorical leash. The demon known as the The First leading her through the destruction. Dad has blamed himself all this time, won't leave the house or the couch. I had to do something so I kinda dragged Drake along to try and change things." She explained. "And as Drake has just said, I found that book that I THOUGHT was future Serena's as it looks exactly like it and just kinda put the clues together. Drake says it's not though...so I don't know what to believe anymore. I just want my mum back..." She said, forcing herself not to get emotional in front of everyone. Her parents brought her up better than that.