John wasn’t listen for a moment, Kay’s words triggering a thought. He went very quiet as he was looking at his book, something starting to form in his mind. Then he muttered “what if…that’s what they want? What if…they are working together? If your rebirth and life…Serena could be the gatekeeper of the underworld…what if someone wants you gone…to get to Serena? So they help demons get to you…because it’s not a one way street…Serena protects you but you also protect her?” He was in his own head now, everything around him gone. Drake moved to follow but Lucifer stopped him. “There is it. Now I get it…” he picked up the book and held it out to maze. “Does this look familiar to you? Say…when we first found Serena?” Serena blinked then looked at the book more closely. She took it in her hands and then said “holy cow. This is mine. But from years ago. I lost it…” she stared at it and said “it was in the club…I left it on the bar when I went to talk to Maze…it vanished…” Lucifer nodded and moved to the balcony “Fia dear? You might want to come back down here. I think you found our smoking gun” Drake was so lost and asked “what is going on?” Lucifer held up a hand and said “I need Fia to hear this. I think she did find the answer to the problem but just not the context”