[h2]Esme[\h2] Esme’s white eyes didn’t waver as she gazed at him and watched him approach the door when he heard footsteps approaching. Clearly, he wouldn’t fight her if she attacked him. When Cason spoke, she shook her head. “No!” she growled harshly. She had no intention of leaving with him now that she felt she had nothing to return to. Everyone in their little group had someone but her. She also felt like the ticking time bomb of the group. She never knew when her emotions would get the better of her and she would lose control. Esme planned to use the oil lamp in the corner of the room to aid her in burning down the damn place. Esme’s eyes darted to Dean when he came through the door with Ruby’s knife clutched tightly in his fist. She knew he would try to talk her down even before he spoke to her. She didn’t want to be talked down. Esme just wanted it all to end. She didn’t want to feel the pain of loss again, and she didn’t want to look upon Duke’s truck without him in or near it. It was just too hard to cope with now. At Dean’s words, Esme shook her head. “No, Dean!” she said harshly. “I can’t leave this place until it is burned to ash! Even then I can’t go with you! I know I promised you I’d stay after that night we all had with Cupid, but I can’t anymore!” Tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked at Dean. Her hands balled into fists, her nails digging so deep into her palms they bled. Taking a deep breath, she briefly looked over at Cason and then back at Dean, her body shaking from everything she felt coursing through her. “As much as I still care for you, I can't stay. There's nothing for me here now that he’s…… gone!…… He’s gone, Dean! And there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening!” Esme’s growl had nearly turned into a scream as she let every emotional word pour from her. She brought a fist to her burning chest and the other to her aching head. She was getting close to going nuclear. Strangely, she welcomed it. Maybe the blast would cause this hellhole to crumble. If that happened, no one would have to worry about this place anymore. Esme whimpered as the pain in her head and chest intensified. She was at the point where she didn't care if she went nuclear as long as everyone got out. She didn't even care if she got caught in the building when it crumbled. “You need to get out of here, now!” she warned them in a pain-filled voice. “Hurry!”