[b]NATALIA[/b] Dean half heartedly scolding her about her complaining wasn't exactly surprising. He always took I juries slightly better than she did, but this felt so different to her. She almost died in this hellhole, and was practically ready to accept it if Cason hadn't shown up and pulled her out of the water at that exact moment he did. Every single tiny movement or jolt that went through to her broken shoulder felt like a train was going over it, the pain was beyond anything she had ever felt before. Then the slashes being pressed against Dean's back as she rested on his back just made those hurt also, not to mention her face hurting as the swelling came close to her eye but not quite enough to make her eye swell shut. "...right..." She finally replied, even though this was far more than a little bit of pain. If it wasn't for the pain however, she would have just let herself close her eyes and pass out on his back right there and then. She still didn't like the idea of Cason still being in the building somewhere, she almost lost him once, she couldn't bare to loose him properly again. So she was putting her full trust in Dean telling the truth to go back for him. At the comment to her burning the building down, she couldn't help but attempt to smirk even though it made her wince. Her boyfriend. He actually used those words about Cason and she never even thought about using that word herself yet. Could Dean really be trying to make an effort when it came to whatever it was her and Cason had going on right? It seemed almost like a dream. Outside she winced and hissed as he let her down by the impala, making sure the car was the very thing propping her up. Her one good arm lifting up and to try and hold her bad one, before deciding itd be better to use it to hold onto the impala. She didn't know in her half dazed manner if the hellhounds were even still around the three of them or not, she didn't bother to care either way. She just wanted to have Cason back and to leave and never see this place again. She lightly nodded at his words as he told her he was going back for Cason, "okay...thank you Dean...." She told him honestly. She remembered how callously she spoke to him near the barn, especially as Dean had pressed all the wrong buttons by instantly accusing Cason of betraying them. It seemed he was genuinely trying to make up for that and she respected him for it. She looked down, not wanting to look at the building as Dean then kissed Mika's forehead. All she heard was Mika speaking back before Dean was running back into the building. [b]MIKA[/b] Nat's complaining and Dean's response really showed what complete siblings they were. They may still only be half siblings but they were so alike, she figured Natalia may as well have been Mary's kid as well as John's. it was these kind of moments that made her see just how similar the two of them were and why they probably butted heads so often. Yet she wouldn't change Natalia for the world, no matter how fiery her temper could get at times or her questionable choice in men. Then again, there was a time when her own family thought she had a questionable choice in men when it came to Dean. So was she to truly judge? Even if Cason was quite a bit further up that meter than Dean. She watched for their surroundings and the two of them as Natalia got let down, her stepping forward ever so slightly but enough to give Dean space to make sure Nat was stable enough on her own two feet. It was when she was actually standing that Mika saw just the full extent of her injuries and that wasn't even taking into account her earlier head injury. Looking up at Dean when he turned to her, she closed her eyes at the kiss to her forehead before opening them to look at him as he spoke. She gripped his jacket as they changed words and looks, "I got her, no one is getting to her whilst I'm still breathing. Go get Cason. And stay safe, I love you" she told him, just wanting him to come back to her as much as Nat wanted Cason to come back to her. She sighed as she watched Dean run back into the building, whilst she stood beside Natalia, being close enough that if Nat needed to, she could use her body as another pillar to lean against. "They'll both come back....right?" Nat asked her, glancing over to Mika and making Mika look at her. "Of course they will. They're both too stubborn to not come back. If Dean says he's getting Cason out of there, then that's exactly he'll accomplish to do. Just like he did with you." She explained, lifting her hand up and carefully brushing Natalia's wet hair back off her shoulder. "Really?" Nat queried, still finding it surprising that Dean would drop everything to find her when Duke was missing. The demons really had gotten into her head when they said Dean didn't care about her. "Really. We all got Duke into the hospital and seen to but the moment he came out he was terrified he had lost you, he didn't even tell Sam we were coming after you because he just wanted to get you back as soon as. He does love you sweetheart. He truly does, even if his way of expressing love is unconventional. But he adores you and he's terrified of letting you down like your dad did. He feels so much pressure on wanting to right John's wrongs even if he doesn't say it- I can tell." Mika explained to her, not wanting to hide anything from Natalia, except for the fact Dean did leave Cason to die initially. Nat tried to not cry, but salty tears still stung her face as they escaped her eyes and ran down her face, letting herself lean into Mika's side. Mika I stably wrapped her arm round her, kissing the top aide of her head. "We all love you sweetheart. So whatever those demons said or did to you, it's not true. You're always going to be a solid part of this family and we'll never leave you behind" she reiterated once more. [b]SAM[/b] Sam never wanted her to see him cry the way he was as he didn't want her thinking he was emotionally playing her, but he couldn't stop the tears from coming. He loved her so so much and he couldn't shake the guilt of hurting her off. He just wanted to keep her safe and it felt like everything he ended up doing to ensure that, he made the wrong decision to make it happen. He continued to look at her as she didn't look at him, just listened to him say he wouldn't ever leave her like he reluctantly left Cason. When she finally spoke up and said she believes him, he only then realised he was holding a breath as he exhaled with relief. He knew that wasn't going to be the end of this and that he still had a lot to prove to her, but it was a start and that's all he could ask for right now. He let her speak, get everything she was thinking out in the air, he owed her that much. He was also relieved when she said she did still in fact love him, but everything that was happening was getting too much for her to handle. "I am so sorry so much has been dumped onto your shoulders. I wish with every fibre of my being that I could rip all of this crap off your shoulders and let you have a normal life. But I am so determined to not have you lose me too. I'm sticking by your side until the very end and if that means I take hits aimed at you to keep you safe then so be it, but I'm not going to go getting myself killed either because I don't wanna lose you just as much. You're my world Anna....now I've got you back in my life I don't want you to exit it. I have never loved anyone like I've loved you. You are my world and if you're not around then that world is gone. I can't take any of this prophecy crap either, I wanna defy every single ounce of it. But you go down, then I'm going down with you. Not in spite of you, not instead of you, but with you and ONLY with you" he told her.