Kay continued to listen to John speak, realising that even though he was in his own head, he was still listening to her. His words gave her hope that they could figure this all out and come to an answer finally. Yet that hope got dimmer when he said there was only one person in their group who would be knowing more than they're letting on. "And that would be....?" She asked him, still trying to mentally catch up to his thinking. [b][u]THE LUX BAR[/u][/b] Fia knew she was intelligent and a quick study, but for Lucifer himself to call her bloody brilliant was quite the praise she never expected to experience or receive. She rose an eyebrow when he said she had all the right answers, she just didn't realise it yet. She was convinced she was still missing something, but it seemed all she was missing was Lucifer's knowledge and the context that actually linked everything she already knew. "In the open...sort of. On the floor outside a door in Drake's home" she explained, just before Serena got up and asked for Lucifer to just explain things for them, rather than being cryptic. Hearing that by bringing this book back in time with her has put a massive hole in the demons plans and created an opening to bringing future Kay back to them all made Fia's heart race. She couldn't believe she had unknowingly given them all a chance at saving their time. She looked around the room at each person as they all spoke, glad that Drake was getting what Lucifer was trying to say to them all. Which in turn was taking the heat off of herself. She knew in her heart Serena couldn't be the cause of her mother's corruption, she didn't want to believe it, so having Lucifer say it's a complete set up was a relief. It was in this moment that she realised her own grief was clouding her from the answer she was holding onto. It was also a lot to realise by her removing the book, she had saved her dad at the same time. Just he didn't know it and not did she. She gave Lucifer a nod, she didn't need to say anything to him to show him how grateful she was to him. When Drake apologised to her, she looked at him, getting emotional all over again. "You don't have to apologise....you had every right to be angry at me" she told him, just managing to not cry. That was until Serena got up and hugged her tightly, as she spoke. She froze initially in the woman's arms, having not felt an adult holding her in what felt like forever and it was that, that made her break. She buried her head in Serena's shoulder and just started crying, gripping onto Serena. "I'm sorry too Serena...." She said.