It's not that Yuki intended to spend the whole day relaxing. She knew they needed to search for Hazel and it was her duty as a knight to lead that search (well, it's Timatheo's duty to [i]lead[/i] it from a planning perspective, but it was Yuki's duty to actually [i]get out there.[/i]). No, it's just, well, sometimes time has a way of tricking you, especially when you spend it in the company of friends. If Yuki had been alone, she'd have had a light breakfast, cleaned herself off properly and then taken a refreshing soak in the hot springs, and then she would have gone to her rooms, gotten dressed, and headed out to search the town, asking around for rumors about the Golden Faun and following whatever leads Timatheo had cooked up from his contacts. She'd have felt strong and refreshed, and the day would have gone great, with lots of energy for the search! In Yuki's head, that was how things were going. But it was just, well, breakfast hadn't been that quick at all. Suli had insisted on the fluffy stack of huge pancakes slathered with syrup, eaten at one of the restaurants high up the branches that gave a full view of the entryway. She'd said it was so they could get the lay of the land and look at the guests for information, and Yuki supposed Timatheo had done a bit of that. But after that huge meal, everyone was so full that they had to take it slow and savor their tea until they'd digested enough to get moving. Anka had been the only one who insisted on a black coffee, and had given Yuki a mild look of reproach for partaking in the super sweet pancakes, but she had a sweet tooth and they were yummy and she had to at least try a bite, right?! And then, well, their suite included access to a private spa down below the roots, right near the base of the great tree. The ceiling was woven into the roots so that above their heads they could see bits of the tree itself. Paper talismans hung from them, blessing the spa room. And so Suli and Pasenne had gone in to enjoy and insisted that Yuki come, and there was something special to cuddling with a group of Nagi. The weight of those coils pressing just hard enough into Yuki's toned core muscles as they relaxed in the heat. That made it far too difficult to even suggest moving, and in her head Yuki was thinking [i]I wish I could cast Time Stop right now.[/i] And in a way she could because nobody else was moving either and they could enjoy the moment as long as they wanted! It's just that, y'know, time didn't actually stop. And, well, after that long in the hot sauna, everyone was kind of wiped out and they needed to hydrate properly. Yuki hung up a prayer strip for luck as well, it seemed appropriate and in her mind she was sure she was about to depart for a morning of searching at last. Except that her stomach growled at the same time as Magasha's and would you believe that it was already lunch time and they'd used a lot of energy just existing in the spa! And, well, Pasenne had been looking at that pet cafe with such longing on the way down, so they really had to get lunch there, it made her squeal with delight when they went in! And at lunch, well, Yuki and Suli got to sit together and pet all the different animals. They had cats and rabbits, and some goblins that Yuki didn't quite recognize but looked sort of like an indeterminate cross between a mouse and a cat and had the most velvety soft white fur you'd ever felt. And that was just super nice. So, by the time that the crew had eaten two meals, enjoyed the spa, refreshed themselves, and dressed to exit the Chrysanthemum, the sun was already on its way down the horizon and the shadows were getting a little long. They could still search, of course! It was just going to turn into a night market sort of search. And it's not like anything major had happened that day, right? [Writing off Suli's need]