[color=gray] [center][img]https://r2.fivemanage.com/pub/doubdm0v7ugm.png[/img][/center] [color=slateblue]Time:[/color] 10am [color=F0E399]Location:[/color] Drakes Birthday Party [color=slateblue]Mention:[/color] [@Helo] [color=F0E399]Interactions:[/color][@CitrusArms][@Papaoso] [color=F0E399]Appearance[/color]: No shoes | Blue summer gown with butterflies embroidered on gown Ariella reached for the cocktail a server had placed in front of her, its tall glass reflecting the vibrant colors of Drake's favorite shades. The drink was as elegant as it was extravagant, layered in hues of green and gold, with delicate sprigs of mint and a sugared rim. She raised it to her lips, sipping through the straw, and was immediately struck by the sweetness that danced on her tongue. The flavor was rich, almost indulgent, and she savored it for a moment, letting the taste linger before greedily sipping more. As she drank, her attention remained on Captain Stratya. The woman’s stories were charming, full of nostalgia and warmth, yet Ariella couldn’t help but let her mind wander. Stratya’s fond memories contrasted with Ariella’s childhood, which had been shaped by discipline and rigid expectations. Etiquette lessons, needlework, and endless demands had left little room for joy. The only bright spot had been Ana, her beloved friend, and the secret alcove Ana had gifted her — a sanctuary where she could escape the pressures of her upbringing. She nodded and smiled at the appropriate moments in the conversation, but her mind was elsewhere, fixated on the events of the previous night. Callum's words echoed in her head: the secret room, the dangerous magic, and the shadowy stranger he’d fought. [i]Surely, he didn’t face it alone…[/i] Her eyes flickered to Stratya, assessing the captain’s strength. Could she have been the one to accompany Callum? Ariella doubted her friend would’ve taken on such a dangerous task by himself, and Stratya looked more than capable. Ariella’s thoughts drifted again, this time to her growing connection with magic. Recently, her bond with the earth had become more intense, almost overwhelming. There was a heat to it now, an intoxicating pull that she couldn’t quite explain. She wondered if it had anything to do with the magic Callum had uncovered. Was something dark lurking nearby, stirring the elements? Perhaps it wasn’t her own power growing stronger, but the presence of some external force. Her green eyes trailed to Callum across the party, watching him laugh and take shots at the other table. She felt a pang of sadness, remembering the weight of his tale. He had faced so much, and yet she felt powerless to help him. Her life had been full of lessons meant to shape her into a perfect lady, but none of those lessons had prepared her for this. [i]I want to protect him, to protect my friends. I don’t want to be a wallflower anymore... I want to be a wolf.[/i] The captain’s voice brought her back to the present, just as Ariella finished her drink without realizing it. The alcohol had begun to take effect, a soft buzz relaxing her shoulders as she turned back to Stratya with a bright smile. When the captain complimented her hair, Ariella felt her cheeks flush, whether from the drink or the memory of a similar comment from Callum, she couldn’t tell. [color=slateblue]“Thank you!”[/color]she replied with genuine enthusiasm. [color=slateblue]“You know, you're not the first person who’s said that. I always hated it growing up, but I suppose I do look more like my father than my mother, and for that, I’m grateful.” [/color] She laughed, a bit louder than intended, the alcohol loosening her tongue. [color=slateblue]“I used to loathe it, but lately... I’ve grown to appreciate it.”[/color] She made to take another sip from her empty glass before realizing it was gone, setting it down with a small pout. Standing up suddenly, she lifted the hem of her dress and kicked out her foot, showing Stratya her bare toes with a playful wiggle.[color=slateblue] “I love camping! I love the outdoors!” [/color] she declared, her voice brimming with excitement.[color=slateblue] “I hate shoes, always have. If I could, I’d live in a treehouse or a cabin, somewhere deep in the woods.”[/color] She wobbled slightly as she nearly fell back into her seat, giggling at her clumsiness. Ariella leaned forward conspiratorially, lowering her voice.[color=slateblue] “Captain… you’re a woman,”[/color] she stated as if revealing a great secret. [color=slateblue]“You must know how to use a sword, right?”[/color] Her eyes drifted to the blade at Stratya’s hip, filled with a sudden, reckless curiosity. “Could I hold it?” she whispered with a mischievous grin.[color=slateblue] “I’ve never held a sword before…” [/color] Before Stratya could respond, Ariella felt a large hand on her shoulder. She jumped slightly, her heart racing until she looked up to see her father standing beside her.[color=slateblue] “Oh! Father…” [/color] she exhaled, placing a hand over her chest with a wide smile. “You startled me.” She quickly glanced between him and Stratya, her cheeks flushed from the drink. [color=slateblue]“I was just talking to the captain here about chocolate and mead,” [/color] she added with a laugh, leaving out her more embarrassing request. [/color]