[h3] Anya [/h3] For a split second, Anya was afraid that Sam was going to pull away from her and tell her not to touch him, even though he didn’t move. His hand touching hers sent her heart aflutter once again, and she watched his fingers briefly, to see if he was going to peel her hand away from him. When he didn’t, and instead pulled her closer to him, their chests pressed tightly together, Anya smiled into the incoming kiss. This one felt different than the first. There was still a bit of nervousness, but they were on the same page. She could feel it the second his lips touched hers and she stood on the tips of her toes as his hand reached the back of her neck. As he pulled away from her, she chased his lips, her eyes still closed as took a deep breath, not even realizing she had been holding it in the first place. It was then that she once again wished she could talk. She wanted to say something, anything… Instead, she smiled brightly, and leaned back in, taking his bottom lip between her teeth with a giggle, before kissing him again. She pulled them back toward the table, and carefully sat herself against it, pulling him between her knees so they could be impossibly close. [h3] Dean [/h3] Dean leaned over against the window, putting his hand over his mouth as he watched Lexi approach the weird guy all by herself. Every fiber of his being wanted to jump out of the car and follow her, even if it meant the guy would clam up. At least she would be safe. As he watched them speak, his free hand tapped at the handle on his door. “Don’t do anything stupid…” He grumbled at the guy, even though the guy couldn’t hear him. But then the guy turned and looked at the car and Dean tensed. This was either about to go way downhill, or Lexi would take care of it swiftly, judging by the guy’s body language. Then the guy made a move, and Dean instantly pulled the door handle, opening the door a bit while watching as Lexi took care of the kid in a pretty quick order. He waited, making sure she would be okay, and as she slammed the kid on his car, Dean winced and smirked. “There you go…” He cheered her on quietly, as Lexi dropped him and turned to the car. He closed the door of the car and settled into his seat, waiting for her to get back in. As soon as she did, Dean smiled over at her and laughed softly. “Maybe. But you almost killed that kid. It went about how we expected, honestly…minus him having the balls to actually make a move. What an idiot.” Dean pulled his phone from the middle seat and sighed, “Time to break the news to the kids. Are you good? He missed, right?” He asked his question with a raised eyebrow, narrowing his eyes protectively as he glanced over at her and pressed the number for Sam’s phone. He placed it on speaker and frowned when it rang more than twice. Sam’s phone was never out of reach. Half the time it was in his hand. How dare he not pick up? He was alone in the bunker with a stranger that was sweet on his ass, for what reason Dean couldn’t even begin to think of, and he wasn’t answering his phone?