Senko was inspired, her protective aura reinforcing itself for the third time - completing its construction. Howbeit, even if it had not - the shots would have shattered helplessly against her stalwart life force. Barriered. Hexagonal, dense and yet, skin-tight and translucent giving opal streaks and radiance when viewed through unnatural means. Furthermore, she continued to direct powerful currents of chi through her bloodline. Her eyes alight with a fury they hadn’t known in sometime. The heat in the forest increased in response. A sign of accelerated chi signatures in the area. Wholly so. This type of conflict was her bread and butter. Her favorite rhythm, her most addictive vice. It resonated in her irises and breathed through the chi that comprised her so wholly. Everything about her had been tailored to war. And while this was a far cry beyond continental or even country-based warfare. It was a nice change of pace. She could feel the forest thundering on drill time. Her invaders were ignorant. Everything had Chi and it was that presence that flourished a Ryuusei's own abilities. It was not that their chi was one with everything around them, rather it was connected similar to a goddess to her acolytes. She could feel, hear, sense through that mysticism. As a result, not a single intruder, on grounds that had none before their simultaneous arrival, was veiled in any manner. She could, and by proxy her son and sister could, see them clearly. There is no stealth in invading private land. The first to receive her attention was - all of them. Her wind blades had come and their reactions to such a simple display of her elemental prowess could be described as…. Deranged. The screech had garnered all of their attention and like puppets en masse, they danced to tune they made real. She wondered if they had their wits about them or if they had, all together, somehow stumbled upon this jungle just to forfeit their pathetic lives. As they conspired with the wind and it, conspired in response. Reyes had attempted to interrupt her, but his bullets hit air. His movements telegraphed and evaded in her monumental stride and clasp that went undisturbed. This was combat, the moment so much as an angle changed in variables, she was in motion. Things happened a bit quicker, however, since she had to adjust. Moreover, the person who truly gave way to Senko’s movements was none other than the humanoid mech. His reaction prompted her in true motion as she raced to meet him. Death galloped behind her. The wind blade erupted amidst the propelling adjustments made by boosters. Senko did not doubt the hunter’s speed, she doubted its reach. Its detonation sent a flurry of blades whirling through the forest that descended on her opponents like carnivorous rain. Hayden would find himself eclipsed in this detonation that could not have been more than the radius of a hand grenade. Limbs would hit the forest floor in rapid succession. Bodies severed. Trees cut down with ease, it would have cut through any metal through the charge and construction of its mysticsm. More so, the shadows of these detonations were merely colored emanations of her Chi. A once harmless trained echo of her elemental control, honed into a deadly aftershadow. It was everything, however that was her chi that began to translate her slashes, mimicking its devastation. And they all might have felt it. Especially, if they heard it. And lord help sensory organ or devices that picked it up visually. The ringing of slashes as if she had drawn a sword and cut them all down simultaneously. these deadly elemental scythes and the force of the explosion, as well as the sound of it, even the blanket of temperature concentrated on their area. And that of which propagated this - carried forth her sharp will. Psychic energy was just that psychic energy, the very same logic applied to the mad man attempting to outrun something that was not there. Her senses saw him because he was in the forest, it had not been spreading. Less like a radar scan and more like induced sixth sense given visual stimuli by a mystical connection. A mystical connection that comes from consent of the world around her. As such, lord, Mosi was running from absolutely nothing and wasting precious time to save his teammates. His leaf shaped blade was incapable of breaching dimensions as he would need to find an alternate universe chi-user whose sensory technique worked how he implied in order for the speat to do anything. Just the same, it was incapable of disturbing the planet. It may have, however, done something to the ground in front of him but Senko was not sure. [i]Weary of madmen[/i]. Reyes, however, would find solace in a swift release. For he had sought to poison the well of earth around him but found the energy he dispersed canceled by an opposing detonation revered from one of the many defenders to the overarching sensory means the shiryoku utilized. This was not because he had struck the source of their powers, that was not Earth. It was because they were saturated in this forest. The defender would go silent forcing Reyes to try his hand again or give up. Akane also reinforced this, as Dark Chi greeted him as well. He suffered a multi-directional attack to the very center of his existence due to the means he used to do the initial attack. That seemingly did not matter, as he rolled anyway - but his movements were delayed to her. The explosion would have sent blades in every direction and with no concern with the pending shadows or the extension of her attack through every medium of both blade and explosion, the chances of him being in pieces before his roll could finish was high. Dangerrutito was perhaps the only one who had the hardest time, who could have been very well sliced to pieces. Perhaps, he had been like his other teammate expecting something to crash out of the sky and save him, but that was not how these things went. Death followed swiftly. What had been a subtle jab bloomed into a devastating blow to the enemy side. Most of them had been focused on a ghost, a thing of the past that drew their attention like moths to flame but they had accounted for this - somehow. Senko was fluid. If Hael had managed to survive the abrupt onslaught, he would be met by a straight jab. It was a simple attack but images of her flooded at its beginning, encircling them, mirroring her. Rebounding forces maintained by the Chi around her. As Akane’s speed mirages were more tangible, Senko’s were burning expressions of chi. Similar to the blast, every portion of their construction was her chi. The jab was just that a jab, but Senko was always taught to strike through her opponents - never at them. The Ryuzhang marital art a second nature, contact would not only disperse a surreal amount of chi enhanced strength into the centermass of Hael. It would also carry forth an unnatural density, one uncontained by this realm and solely maintained by the defensive nature of it. As if ramming forth with meta-lead. Afterwards and during, the kinetic disturbance from her and produced by her unmtained by him would become volatile, miniature shockwaves that carried forth absolutely devastating force. All centered in and homed in to blow a massive hole through his body. Even so, her stance was loose - as if it were just a feint and with the rush of combat around her. It may have been hard to tell. Her family, her brothers were upon them like ravenous wolves, bounding through the forest and ensnaring them at every turn. Senko watched it all unfold.