[center][abbr=Therion][img]https://i.imgur.com/af5E4Ko.png[/img][/abbr] [color=BC8DBF]Word Count: 559 (+1 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]10[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 84/100 [i]Monday Evening.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: Mafia Town, Deep Blue Seaside[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color][/center] After snagging a pair of chopsticks in order to pilfer portions of his comrade's plates, Therion spun the utensils in his hand while he listened to everyone finish their reports and speculate on what move to make next. He'd been picking off pieces of norimaki and various kinda of sashimi from Junior and Rika's huge amount of food, having gotten a lot better with the chopsticks since the first time he'd attempted to use them. All in all, while some had more to show for their week in town it sounded like none of them had anything more concrete than what he'd already heard. Not all that surprising, because if it was easy to come by the information they were looking for then it might not have fallen to them to fix the world in the first place. And as for what they were going to do with the little information they had, well... [color=BC8DBF]"When we were underground, that F guy kept coming after us. Getting at least one Consul out of the way first would be a big help,"[/color] he said, agreeing with Juri. It's what they'd done in the Under. However, though he somewhat understood what Rika was feeling he couldn't exactly agree with taking on [b][i]𝙸[/i][/b]. [color=BC8DBF]"But think about this. If [b]𝙸[/b]'s area already lost its Guardian, she's probably just concerned with refilling her 'clock.' If it's a Consul we're after, we should be looking at V instead. Or whoever else runs around in the forest."[/color] If V was active enough that rumors about them had reached all the way to Mafia Town, it shouldn't be that difficult to find and confront them. As long as the relationship between V and their fellow Consul in the Twilight Forest area was about the same as the one between P and F, they might be able to take out the one Consul without the other interfering. Leaving [b]𝙸[/b] alone was most likely in their best interest, even if it was a little callous to completely disregard Limsa. It definitely [i]was[/i] their fault that the current attacks were happening since they'd upset the previous balance, but they had to consider what was more important: spreading themselves thin to protect every place they'd been to, or coordinating their group to take down Guardians in new areas? Therion would vote for the latter. And though he was in favor of culling the Consuls when needed, he wasn't in favor of splitting up to do it. At least not with the small group they had here in Mafia Town. Still new to their whole operation, Juri was underestimating their power. The team that had gone to the Under lucked out with the Consuls there; because with their abilities of time and space manipulation, if either of them had focused on actually killing the Seekers instead of playing games then they would have taken more losses than just the allies who'd succumbed to the Infection. Therion shot Juri a look, his one visible eyebrow furrowed. [color=BC8DBF]"If we get the rest of the team over here, sure."[/color] He stuck around to hear everyone's thoughts, but once the discussion began to wind down he planned to split up from them again. Maybe look a little more into the Argentum and see if they could easily exchange pons for zenny or some other less cumbersome currency.