[b]THE LUX BAR[/b] Fia nodded whilst still being buried in Serena's grasp. It felt like a massive weight had been lifted off her shoulders when she finally let all the worry, grief and frustration of the situation just come out in her emotional outburst and tears. She suddenly felt like she didn't have to pretend to be so much older than she was, she was finally showing she was just a kid still. A kid that had far too much upon her from this situation and because of what she was and who her parents are. She didn't ask for any of this, she just wanted to a normal teenager who loved playing her violin and dabbled in the magical arts enough to protect herself. She didn't want to be the one to save everyone, but here she was having to do exactly that. As Lucifer spoke more, she lifted her head enough to wipe her face of the tears that flowed to gather herself once more, pulling away from Serena and folding her arms across her chest. Not in a defiant or stand off-ish manner, but in a manner to ground herself and get back to being professional. "I never thought about that part of it. I found the incantation to come back here in an old book in dad's study one night. I was browsing through the books and it just caught my attention. Didn't think it'd have the info I needed but it did. Right in the back had the incantation and instructions." She explained to Lucifer. "I can still remember exactly how the page was set out if that's of any help? I can draw it out" she added. [b]JOHN'S PLACE[/b] When John said it was Bane, or had to be Bane, she couldn't believe she didn't think of it before. "Of course ..." She replied. "So what's our move from here? Wait until they're all back and corner Bane or what?" She asked. The suggestions felt ridiculous but it was the only thing that could come out of her mouth.