[b]NATALIA AND MIKA[/b] Seeing the building coming close to coming down was cathartic for Natalia but that sense of closure was completely overtaken by knowing Dean was still inside and Mika was out here screaming her lungs out for Dean to come back to her alive. The tears that streamed down her face not only for herself but for Mika was great, mixing in with the already soaking clothing and face she had. Mika refused to leave from her spot, she couldn't. Her whole world was crumbling quite literally in front of her and she couldn't do a damn thing to stop it. Then Cason grabbed her and dragged her up onto her feet to get her to the car, making her fight him to get out of his grip. "no!!" She cried, but no fight in her could beat Cason off of her. So when he just hugged her, she froze, sobbed and thumped him before just accepting what she had seen. "I can't lose him.....I can't...." She sobbed into Cason's chest until with Nat's help, he threw her into the backseat of the impala. Natalia wanted nothing more than to hug her but she just couldn't in her state. Then Cas came out of nowhere, making Nat look out the window and wondering why he only appeared now and not before it got this bad. She watched Cason eventually get in the car as Cas just walked up to the building. Nothing good could come out of this in either of the girls' minds but both hoped that Cas could at least do something. He was like a guardian or something to Dean in Nat's mins after all. They both stared at the front of the car as it roared to life and Cas made it drive them backwards towards the field nearby, Mika still in fight or flight mode and wanting to just break out of the car and go chasing after Cas. Yet the car stopped and after trying to lock by stretching over the front seat, she found they were locked in for the time being to keep them safe. Nat reached out and put a hand on Mika's back which made Mika flinch out of her touch. Sighing, it was clear that Mika didn't want anyone touching her unless it was Dean. The biggest flinch came from both her and Mika however when the whole building came crashing down. Nat instantly put a hand up to her mouth in shock, whilst Mika just stared motionless. [i]"please no....."[/I] Natalia thought to herself, not knowing how any of them were going to bring able to console Mika if Dean comes out dead. Then it happened....Cas walked to the impala beside Esme whilst dragging Dean like he was just a sack of potatoes. Both girls let Cason get out first and watched on, neither still being able to move out of shock that Esme was even walking on her own two feet, but Dean wasn't. From the back seat they watched as Cason and Castile exchanged a few words but Castile knelt down and healed Dean. But what broke Mika's heart for a split second was hearing Dean cry out Esme's name the moment he came to. If she wasn't so distraught at nearly losing him she would have known and accepted why, but in that moment of distress and heightened emotions, she couldn't figure it out. She quickly tried to use the lever to move the front seats forward to no avail, so she just kicked it forward and clambered out haphazardly. Almost falling out of the car, she scrambled over to Dean, skidding to the ground in front of him and instantly looked him over. "Oh my god, I thought you were dead!" She cried, throwing herself onto him in a tight hug. "don't ever scare me like that again!!" She scolded him. Nat slowly got out of the car, being more careful than Mika was, getting onto her feet but leaning against the car for support. "I'm glad you're both alive" she said in a much less frantic manner than Mika was talking. A part of her also felt a twang of jealousy that Dean had someone who could just heal him up with a single touch when she figured she would have to heal the normal human way. She looked down at her feet on the ground trying to take everything in, feeling rather secluded for whatever reason unknown to her. She also felt a slight twang of guilt that they all almost died because they had to come after her. "Maybe it would have been safer not coming after me..." She mumbled to herself under her breath. [b]SAM[/b] Anna calmed him as he calmed her. As much as he wanted to kiss her himself, he knew he couldn't just dive into this situation head first and scare her off. She had just reassured him she wasn't going to run and after all that, he didn't want to ruin it. He focused on stopping the tests as they just sat there head to head, nose to nose, taking in the fact she was still willing to be this close to him. Her touch was hot to feel but he didn't flinch or move. There was something strangely calming about the heat radiating off of her hands. At the moment, every minute that she wasn't pulling away from him was a minute well cherished and one that he knew he had hold onto so tightly. He loved her. He had to make this right and if that meant grovelling or proving himself in more ways as time went on, he'd do it. She was worth it. Prophecy or not. His thoughts dissipated in his mind when she finally spoke up, looking at her whilst they remained close. "it is horrible...but it's also...not. If that even makes sense? I know I've been a crap boyfriend to you and protector....tonight has opened my eyes so much to what I've not been doing to make you see you can trust me...." He told her. He never thought she would want to kiss him whilst emotions were still high over the night's events, so her admitting she did want to, even though she can't? It felt like another step in the right direction. He lifted his head away from and kissed her forehead before looking her in the eyes once more. "I'm gonna be here whenever you feel you can...." He simply said.