[b][u]THE LUX BAR[/u][/b] Maze rolled her eyes but went off to get a pad and pen just as Lucifer instructed. Whilst Fia kept her focus on Lucifer whilst he was still talking to her. "typed and yeah...exactly like the rest of the book's font. It's why I didn't think anything of it or think it could be suspicious. It looked completely like the other pages. Even the pages looked the same age as the rest." she explained, before seeing Maze coming back and dropping the pad and pen on the table in front of Fia. "Thanks.." Fia said simply, picking up the pad and pen as she began to sketch out on page the cover of the book it was seen in, then on another she sketched out the entire page she read, as well as the exact wording. It helped that she had gained a bit of a photographic memory for things like that. It took her a few minutes, but she sketched it as quickly as she could, then turned the pages to Lucifer. "Here" she said. [u][b]JOHN'S HOME[/b][/u] Kay didn't think that Bane would still be around, just assuming he would have gone with Serena. So when John called Bane out of the shadows, she looked to her right as Bane appeared in his human form. "It seems we do, what's going on Bane?" she asked him, surprising herself that his glowing eyes wasn't unnerving her like it possibly should have. She was curious to what Bane had to say, especially if what John was theorising was in fact true and Bane knew a lot more than he had ever been letting on. "How much have you been keeping from us?" she asked again, really wanting answers properly this time round.