[center][h1]Fireteam Icarus[/h1][/center] [center][h1][color=ec008c]Samantha Dalton AKA Chaos[/color][/h1][/center] Samantha hastily stripped wires and spliced in components, wires, adapters, and other equipment as she worked with the wires that she had pulled from the wall. She was feeling the pressure of moving as fast as she could. She didn’t want to give Rose time to transfer any data out. She needed her ability to hyper-focus like never before. It was only the world at stake right? The adrenaline flowing through her was making her hands shake. Samantha’s body was fighting the flight or fight reflex from all the hormones and adrenaline hitting her system. She took a deep breath and pushed her high intellect and compartmentalize skills to the max. She focused on getting everything spliced in. She managed to narrow her focus down to what her hands were doing. She pushed away the chaos of gunfire, the floor beginning to tilt as the blimp fell from the sky slowly, people screaming, and the voices coming over the comms. She managed to reroute the outgoing signal projectors into a buffer loop that would overload and destroy all the data. That would prevent any signals from getting out. She couldn’t do anything about the terminal with the hacker yet. She had managed to isolate what they could do from it though to the secret room. Samantha used her haptic gloves as she began to hack through the encryption and over the top security protocols that Rose’s hacker had used to secure her systems. Samantha was biting her lip as she worked. Rose’s hacker might be better than her. Samantha was struggling to break through. Samantha’s concentration was broken by Bob’s voice. [color=fff200]“Signal isolation and lock down has been achieved.”[/color] Samantha smiled as she finally broke through Rose’s firewall. She took control of the systems and locked the hacker out. Samantha had Bob locking down the computers to prevent any commands in or out. Making the terminal the hacker was using a door stop. She could hear cursing from inside the room. It was at that moment that a huge noise sounded behind Samantha as the Exo crashed through the wall sending shrapnel flying across the room. The action was moving fast and before Samantha could react, Athena and Skye had already dealt with the threat. More soldiers kept flowing into their location. Samantha realized that the knockout gas grenade she had sent into the secret room had not worked. Her best guess was that either the grenade had failed to deploy or Artemis had developed a counter of some kind. Maybe the room had special air scrubbers to prevent a chemical attack. That might be likely with the clones in there. It didn’t really matter because the only thing that did was it failed to take the hacker out. She had hoped to take the hacker out without having to fire into the room. It was at this moment that she heard Queen come over comms. [color=lightblue]Queen: "Chaos, get to that terminal and take the hacker out! Don't touch a fucking thing, check the hacker to see if there's anything on him!" [/color] [color=ec008c]Chaos: “What the hell do you think I have been doing, braiding my hair!” [/color] Chaos couldn’t help the snark. It was how her body was bleeding off the excess adrenaline enough she could think. [color=ec008c]Chaos: “Queen, I have locked the terminal in the hidden room out of communication and locked it down. I am moving in to deal with the hacker now.” [/color] Samantha left the jury rigged mess on the floor by the door. She grabbed a throwing knife in each hand. A knife would be better than bullets. She could control where they went better and they should theoretically cause less damage. Not to mention that they wouldn’t ricochet like a bullet could or would have as much force behind them. Samantha got up on the balls of her feet. She stood up and backed up a few steps before running and diving through the door. Samantha rolled and came back up on her feet running. Samantha put her all into crossing the distance towards the hacker who was firing a gun at her as fast as they could just spraying bullets towards her. Samantha’s body was pushed off balance as she caught a bullet in her right side. She kept pushing even as she felt another bullet throw her left shoulder back. She hurled the knife in her right hand as soon as she had a clear visual on the hacker. Her aim was spot on as she managed to nail the hacker in the throat. They dropped their now empty gun and grabbed their throat eyes wide before falling to the floor. Samantha began to look around. She didn’t want to touch much in here but she wanted to be sure Rose couldn’t leap to another body. She had managed to lock out all signals but her clones were still inside this room where the signal was active. Sam quickly searched the fallen body of the hacker. She pulled everything out of his pockets. She suspected sol hestia had been used to booby trap the room. The hacker had a glass vial of liquid on a keychain with a removable 100 terabyte hard drive in his pants pocket. Samantha didn’t touch the terminal yet though. [color=lightblue]Queen: "Chaos, status on that terminal? Cut it when ready." [/color] [color=ec008c]Chaos: “Terminal is secured.” [/color] Samantha began to look over the machinery that was hooked up to the clones. She quickly figured out how to turn it off. She turned the life support off. She didn’t wait for Queen's order as she began to execute Rose’s clones. She used her pistol to put a bullet in each one’s head. Samantha was not usually a blood thirsty type. She was the one to sneak in, get the intel and get out. But she took great pleasure in eliminating the four clones in the room. She would not leave this evil bitch any hiding place to run too. She would not let her terrorize the planet or her friend any more. [color=ec008c]Chaos: “Come back from that bitch!” [/color] Samantha heard alarms screaming but she had locked the room systems so the only thing it could trigger was any failsafes that had not been disarmed when she took control of the terminal. [color=ec008c]Chaos: “Bob what are the alarms for?”[/color] [color=fff200]Bob: “The alarms are alerts that the clone’s vital signs have flatlined. There was a failsafe code tied to the clones like a dead man’s switch to release the Sol Hestia. However that was neutralized when we first got here. The code never left the room since we locked the signal transponders down.”[/color] Chaos smiled content that at least Rose would be unable to hop into another body from here. She began her inspection of the terminal. She bypassed the security since she had already taken control. She began to disable all the traps on the terminal. She began purging the information on the terminal. She didn’t trust anyone with the Sol Hestia and the information on the clones. She deleted that information in blocks. Personally ensuring it would never see the light of day again. She did download any files that had to do with Artemis operations. She would turn that over to Raven upon their return to base. Samantha’s focus was on the data in the terminal unaware that Rose was doing her stereotypical evil villain monologue to Skye. [color=lightblue]Queen: "Contact down. That's it. Rose is out." [/color] Warning lights began to flash across the screen along with error messages. Samantha began typing frantically to try and understand what was happening. [color=lightblue]Queen: "Secure the cockpit, Athena. Drop the altitude down and get us on the floor. Chaos, Nord, confirm all her files are dead. If she sprouts out anywhere now, it'll be here. We need to give it a sweep." [/color] [color=ec008c]Chaos: “Already working on it. Clones in this room are dealt with. Something triggered though. I am working to figure out what’s going on.”[/color] Samantha backtracked the error messages and finally understood what had happened. She contacted Skye with anger and panic in her voice. [color=ec008c]Chaos: “Queen, Rose’s original body was on the blimp. Before we managed to isolate the servers her backup triggered its awakening when all her clones were killed. She is somewhere on the blimp.” [/color] Samantha executed the final purge of data and set the system to reformat and overload. No one would get anything off this computer. She wanted this evil to stop here. She simply didn’t trust any organization or government with either the cloning or Sol Hestia information. She would ensure that the world never faced this particular threat again. Samantha stood up from the server and began to make her way out of the secret room. Samantha fell to the floor with a scream of pain as she was hit with a bolt of electricity. She heard Rose’s voice laughing [color=f6989d]Rose: “You didn’t think I would leave my revenge to chance do you?” [/color] Samantha had managed to destroy the terminal but there had been a manual trap she had triggered. There had been a pressure plate on the floor that had armed when the clones flatlined. The pressure plate triggered an electric shock of 220 volts. Samantha’s suit has some insulation qualities but not enough for such a strong and direct jolt to her system. Samantha felt as if her nerves were on fire and she passed out from the pain as her heartbeat stuttered. Her unconscious body in a heap on the floor, smoke wafted off the charred section on the front of her armor.