[b]LEXI[/b] Dean smiling at her when Lexi got back into the car made her smile back, feeling rather proud of herself even if she maybe went a bit far in making a point. "Shouldn't have swung for me. 'sides, I made sure to hit his head in a spot that wouldn't kill him, he'll just have one hell of a headache for a while" she smirked. She wouldn't have killed the guy unless he had seriously put her own life in danger, but she really was done with being lied to. She let him pull his phone to tell Sam and Anya what they discovered before nodding, "I'm fine, he missed thanks to my quick reflexes. Just slight cramp in my fist" she told him, letting him try and call Sam. She could see how protectively he was looking her over so all she did was give him a look that said 'honestly, I am fine I promise'. She really was made of tough stuff when it came idiotic humans who tried to scam her. She also didn't risk speaking in case Sam answered the phone, as even she knew that he tends to answer rather quickly. Yet it seemed this wasn't to be the case this time round as Dean was looking perplexed as why Sam was letting his phone just ring and ring. She gave him a confused look as he still kept hoping Sam would answer. "He never leaves his phone to ring..." she said to him quietly, just as confused as he was. [b]SAM[/b] Sam was aware that she had to go on her tiptoes to be able to kiss him back and it made her all the more endearing to him, tempting even. It didn't get any less tempting when she chased his lips as he pulled away just enough for some air. He looked at her, searching her eyes for anything to tell him about what was going to be the next move in this situation. He was worried he made the wrong move until he saw her smile broadly and lean back in to kiss him once more. He smirked into the kiss as she bit his bottom lip slightly, guiding him to the table. He helped her instinctively to sit on the table top, gladly following her lead and standing between her legs so they could get closer to each other where he wrapped his hands on either side of her face, kissing her passionately. It had felt like so long since he felt anything like this with anyone, that need for another human being to be close to. He didn't even realise his phone was ringing on the table for the first four rings. The noise of his phone just being mentally muted out of his ears until it suddenly broke through, making him pull away from her reluctantly. "I...gotta...answer that" he said, kissing her in between each word. Managing to stay away from her lips, he reached over her and grabbed his phone seeing it was Dean calling him. He groaned and gathered himself mentally before finally picking up. "Hey Dean, whats up?" he answered.