[h3] Anya [/h3] Anya frowned as Sam pulled away from her, her eyes telling him to leave his phone. Most likely it was Dean, either being nosey or continuing his rant from earlier, which seemed the most likely case to her, rather than him being in danger or anything. She chased Sam’s lips for a brief second, until he picked up his phone and she smirked, leaning back on her hands. She could tell, in his voice, that he was flustered and trying to straighten himself up so Dean wouldn’t notice. She also knew the timer for the oven would be dinging at any moment and their time together would come to an end…the second Dean got back. She pulled her phone from behind her, where she had ditched it on the table and typed out a message, playing it with a slight shrug. “Is he still pissed at us?” [h3] Dean [/h3] Dean was tempted to look Lexi’s hand over, as he waited for Sam to answer the phone. But the look on her face told him to drop it, and he rolled his eyes, frowning and looking down at his lap as his anxiety rose with every trill of the phone. He opened his mouth to double down on Lexi’s observation of Sam not having his phone in his hand when Sam answered, “I know. He…Sam what the hell, man? Since when do you not answer your phone?” Dean raised his eyebrows, waiting for an answer, when he heard Anya’s phone speak to Sam in the background and closed his eyes in annoyance, “Ah. You guys are awful close, I hear. Well, if you care, Lexi and I came up with nothing. Dude was just a basement dwelling dweeb who wanted to take a shot at her, and got his face bashed in for it. So, we’re on our way back.” Dean was well aware that he sounded like a jealous and ignored girlfriend at that moment, but after what had happened to Mika, the idea of either of them getting close to anyone made him nervous, especially this fast. Sam had just met the girl. He refused to acknowledge the hypocrisy of it all, instead turning the engine over and glancing to Lexi for girl advice in advance, “So, is she staying the night or what? I know we said she needed to be on lockdown with us, but we have a lot of work to do.”