[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]The Capital - Nieve[/h3] [/center] “Aw, that’s a shame” Rayne replied to the comment about the nail polish not being purchasable. Not that she could have afforded to get some even if it had been on sale. Their belts were looking pretty tight, given that neither she nor Sanae were particularly confident anyone else was doing better off than they were, and that settling down and getting a steady job to make ends meet would be fairly disruptive to the whole getting home thing. She had some skills that others might describe as peasant-y in nature, and attempting to monetize her Link given powers was both not a thing she had considered (and, one that, now that she did, just felt wrong) so any job she did get wouldn’t exactly rake in the funds needed to feed, house, etc. a whole group of people. Still, looking at the rather empty looking coin purse she ended up with after getting the book (it wasn’t like she could just read it all in the store after all, let alone remember the contents) she might have to bend her principles a bit. Just a bit though. Flying about delivering parcels through above the busy streets maybe? At any rate, whatever they were going to do about funds probably needed to be a group project rather than something she could solve on her own, so she naturally agreed to tag along with the other two ladies as they went to investigate this curse. She wondered if this was anything to do with why the goddess wanted them in the capital or not.