[center][h2][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color][/h2] Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (55/130) Location: Mafia Town Word Count: Less than 750 [/center] Well, things were still boring. Geralt left, and there wasn't much going on. Since Blazermate couldn't hear what was going on below, and really couldn't read lips, she saw what she assumed was either a higher up or 'boss' of the non mafia group involved with this trading thing coming out with his weapon. To be fair, that wasn't all that unusual since people everywhere had weapons. Getting bored, she decided to fly off and follow Geralt to see what he was doing. On the way there though, Blazermate saw a flower shop run by... an anime pretty boy? Well, that might not be boring! She decided to give it a quick glance. She landed and went inside and while she saw the marketing outside this was just a flower shop! Well, there was a bit of merchandise of the anime pretty boy, but not really anything she was interested in, nor was the anime boy here himself! Granted, if she had a more permanent place she might grab a poster or something but as it was there wasn't much she could really grab. Although perhaps she should leave the store with something. It was a flower shop, so why not some flowers? She had some pons from healing Mafia out from time to time, so buying a small bit of flowers to show her friends wasn't too difficult. With a small bunch of flowers in hand, she flew back to follow Geralt back to the Bancho Sushi where the others were as well. [color=0072bc]"Oh hey, hows it going everyone?"[/color] Blazermate said as she saw Geralt move over to a table with many of the other seekers. [color=0072bc]"Anyone seen all the weird stuff going on at the docks? Some guy in a flashy outfit seems to be doing some weird deal down there."[/color] [hr] [center][h2][color=d7d7d7]Roland[/color][/h2] Level 6 Roland (27/60) Location: Meridi-at-Han Word Count: Less than 750 [/center] Looking at the circus below, it seemed to have quite the display as the show began. Although it seemed the fire probably wasn't part of the show. And then came the quakes... At first Roland thought they were part of the show... but then the real source of those tremors came and boy was it a doozy. [color=d7d7d7]"Oh you've got to be kidding me!"[/color] Roland said in a disparaging voice as he saw the three giant monsters invading the town, smashing buildings and causing chaos. [color=d7d7d7]"I heard rumors about these things, but they're attacking the city? This is going to be a challenge..."[/color] Roland said as he put his mask on to get to work. Taking out a giant monster... it wasn't his first time but for the life of him he couldn't remember the other time. He knew he did take one out... he just couldn't remember it. At least these creatures weren't causing chaos unabated. They summoned all the adventurers of the city to start to deal with them, and form the looks of it, some of them had some experience. Roland himself decided to go for the first one that appeared, the ape George. Out of the three, he seemed like the leader anyway and being the first one to appear was the one with what looked like the most adventurers fighting him, granted there were so many on each of the kaiju it was hard to tell. Before he joined the fight though, he looked around at the others and how they were going about things. It seemed defeating the alligator Lizzie was in hand as some seekers went for him, although the third Kaiju didn't have anyone he noticed going after it at the moment. Roland looked around the ape again and saw an interesting sight. [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/library-of-ruina/images/5/55/OscarFullBody.png/revision/latest?cb=20200702231832] Oscar [/url] of the Wedge office was in this fight! Well... he wasn't part of the wedge office now. Instead he just seemed to be a skilled lancer. Roland had only briefly dealt with the man, but whatever Roland remembered of him was quickly put aside due to what happened directly after. Still, it was a bit interesting to see someone he knew... if vaguely. Roland made his way to the Kaiju. Getting Oscar's attention ended up being a bit easier than he expected, with the crocodile noticing those around its toes and stomped, knocking them all back. Roland used this opportunity to flag down Oscar, who was getting ready for another go. [color=d7d7d7]"Oy, Oscar!"[/color] Roland said, getting the fixers attention. The... fasionable fixer gave Roland a glance but didn't say much. "What do you want?". [color=d7d7d7]"I've got a plan to get that thing down on its knees to make it a lot easier to take down. But I'm going to need a boost."[/color] Oscar looked at Roland, but didn't recognize him. He did however sense that Roland was more experienced than him, although not being in the City meant Oscar didn't have fixer ranks on his mind. Still though, this fool could be sending himself to his death or have a good plan, but he at least looked more there than the other adventurers here. "Sure kid." he said. Thanks to the distraction of the others and a boost from Oscar, Roland climbed up the creature and being up midway, started to use his own strikes on the hips of the creature. He'd prefer to get to the head, but it was a bit too big right now, and with a few.... choice hits, Roland was sure he could get the thing to collapse which would help a lot more than a single person smacking it in the face. Rolling the floor of Philosiphy for this fight, Roland went in swinging using his large hammer to smack the giant ape right in the weakspot of every guy in an attempt to get it to kneel over so those below could get some much better hits. Normally Roland would feel bad about doing something like this, if the thing he wasn't attacking was a giant cartoon looking monster.