[center][h2]Anne Mayer[/h2][h3]Nieve — Mages' Guild[/h3][/center] For once—for [i]once[/i] in her life, thank goodness—the whole ordeal turned out to be much easier than Anne had expected. Compared to the painful and invasive procedures she’d grown used to after her full-body modification, Serena’s ‘tests’ were a complete cakewalk, barely more than a cursory once-over. In fact, the Princess was nothing but calm and reasonable the entire time, which quickly dispelled any lingering doubts left by Anne’s first impression of the woman. The Knight remained calm and cooperative while her prosthetic was studied, though she carefully avoided any mention of the military-grade strike system and various secret weapons folded away inside its intricate design. There was no need to spook the young royal any more than she rightfully had been by the revelation before her eyes. “…Terrifying.” Anne didn’t elaborate any further, but it was clear from her tone that she agreed with Serena’s impressions. If the Princess hadn’t already been confident in what she’d deduced, the hollowness in the Knight’s green gaze would serve as confirmation enough. [i]Don’t pry any further. You don’t want to know.[/i] Perhaps, clever as she was, Serena thought she could imagine the full potential of what she’d seen. Anne had thought so too, once, before the light of a dozen systems’ worth of planet-killing warheads had been reflected simultaneously in her eyes. Horrors like that didn’t belong in any universe, least of all one so peaceful as this. That knowledge only made the risks of Anne’s approach stand out all the more starkly in her mind. Based on what she knew of its capabilities, this kingdom wouldn’t be able to replicate any of the technology in her prosthetic or her coat—but that was discounting the field of magic, which she still knew so little about. If the wrong person managed to reproduce even a fraction of their functionality, it could completely upend the balance of power on this continent… And even if they couldn’t, the mere possibility would surely be enticing to some. In this bustling city, with its high walls and watchful guards, Anne would need to tread more carefully than ever before. In the meantime, she intended to make full use of her new connection. “Lady Remilia is right, of course,” the Knight began as she got to her feet. “We’ll need to stay here long enough to help deal with the threat we’ve been warning you about. However… I made a promise back in Aventon that we would protect the people there. If we end up in Nieve for some time, I’m worried about what might happen to the town.” She lowered her head. “While of course I won’t abandon the capital either, it would do a lot for my peace of mind if you could see to Aventon’s protection.” [@Izurich][@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Rezod92]