[b][u]THE LUX BAR[/u][/b] Fia honestly couldn't think of a single other person that they all knew who could pull something this big. She was thankful though that Serena managed to figure it out for herself as she really didn't want to have to do more explaining. "but if he's working to keep fate on track...why put all his bets on me and Drake doing all this work?" She asked before sighing as she tried to piece together the last of the puzzle pieces. [b][u]JOHN'S PLACE[/u][/b] Kay listened to what Bane had to say, trying to take it all in. It still baffles her how she didn't know any of this about her mother, yet as more was spoken by Bane, she began to feel little flashes of memories of when she was really young come to the front if her mind. Then he said the one thing that irritated her, "you have no right deciding what or whose guilt I deal with or know about. You should have told me about my mother's passing and what happened." She told him, clearly annoyed with him, but she let him continue talking. Hearing that this all happened or seem to start from when she was taken in Seattle hurt more than she realised. If she wasn't found and Serena wasn't calmed down, it could have ended so much worse for them all. "Those...breadcrumbs as you put it, did you put it out there specifically for the kids to find? Did you purposely set the kids up to have to fix things?" She asked him, glancing between Bane and John noticing how John wasn't saying a single thing.