[b]SAM[/b] The moment he answered the phone, he wished he hadn't. Hearing Dean practically yell at him for not picking up his phone quickly enough made him roll his eyes before he smirked at what Anya said. It did seem Dean was still a little angry but this time it was more directed at him more than at Anya. His smirk went from his face when he continued to listen to Dean complaining like a jealous partner. "Dean, you know we do care about what you found or in this case, not found. Not surprised to hear Lexi bashed his head in. She's uhh...rather forward when it comes to people pissing her off. And yes Dean, we're close because we're both in the kitchen getting some food and drinks if you MUST know. Actually making food, that's why I was slow to answer, so stop acting like a jealous girlfriend. It's weird man! Focus on Lexi, not us" he said before hanging up so Dean couldn't come back at him for what he said. Placing his phone down on the table again, he looked at Anya, "they're on their way back. The lead proved a dud, Lexi got pissed off, best the guy up for whatever reason." He explained in short what Dean told him. The most important thing was that she knew the hard truth their lead came up blank, but it wasn't the end of their job, that much he knew for sure. [b]LEXI[/b] As it seemed Sam finally answered, Lexi just remained quiet as she let Dean complain about Sam's delay in picking up the phone. She couldn't help but smirk, amused at how Dean was reacting. It was so over the top jealousy it was honestly amusing to her. She knew there was clearly a reason for him acting this way but she couldn't say exactly or for certain why- she could only guess. She edited for their conversation to come to an end and when it did, she saw Dean's look towards her- needed advice on how to deal with the Anya situation. His question only confirmed what she thought and it made her smile at him, "she's staying Dean. I'll even make her up a bed myself and have a chat with her if you would find that more reassuring. But look, and I mean this in the nicest possible way imaginable-" she began to say, reaching out his hands, "they're adults. What they do or do not do is not our business. She's a sweet girl, he's a caring guy. If there's attraction between those two good looking people then there's attraction. And 'sides, we can hardly say much now ..can we?" She explained to him, calling him out but being tactful about it, whilst also hunting about their own attraction to each other. She gave his hands a squeeze before reluctantly letting go, "so let's get back, relax and maybe I don't know..get to know the girl a bit before assuming she'll steal your brother's soul first opportune moment" she smirked with a soft chuckle, leaning over and kissing his cheek then patting it with her hand, as she looked him in the eyes, her smile not leaving her face.