[b][right][color=yellow]On the Road /[/color][color=red]/ USA[/color][/right][/b]
[right][sup]This is an open event. Feel free to jump in.[/sup][/right]

It took Iris nearly a minute to get to the edge of the city, heading west for Illinois following signs for Chicago. She allowed the speed to take her, breathing deeply and calmly as the lightning flowed through her veins. She was in a world of her own as she crossed into Indiana. 

Feeling a familiar pang in her stomach she hopped up and over the barrier of the interstate and off to the side of the road. Searching her pockets for anything to eat she only found a rather melted and disgusting chocolate bar. She attempted to open it, purely for energy. Barry had explained to her that due to her speed and metabolism, she had to have a far greater calorie intake. On the bright side, she wouldn't need to diet for summer next year.

Sighing and placing the bar of disappointment back in her pocket Iris pulled her phone out of her other pocket. Then frowned after pressing the button to unlock it, and all she was met was a black screen that read [NOT AVAILABLE]. 

Holding the button, the screen went black as it turned off. Holding it again the Trask logo briefly appeared, before displaying nothing but [NOT AVAILABLE]. Perplexed, confused and a little bit lost - well, she knew what led to Springfield and back to Central City. Iris decided that the best thing she could do was to push on a little bit farther to a town, or a rest stop. Somewhere she could find out what was happening, get something to eat and figure out what was happening. 

Just a passing car slowed to take a look at her, she took off again. Leaving nothing but a trail of dust as she once again sped down the motorway. As she got closer and closer to Springfield, she surmised that whatever was going on with her phone wasn't an isolated incident. Iris had passed several electric cars that had seemingly just stopped in the middle of the carriageway, thankfully nobody had been hurt but the resulting traffic jam and people milling around did make travelling more awkward. Making her way into the city she tried to remember her way, coming to a stop to try and get her bearings she turned when she heard a scream. 

"Somebody do something!"

"Oh my God the train is coming!"

"They can't get out!"

Sat on the level crossing was the latest Trask EV. It had stopped in the middle of a crossing, its occupants trying to beat open the windows as in the distance a train could be seen gaining speed heading straight for it. Without a second, or more accurately without a nanosecond, of hesitation, she jumped into action. A nearby garage had its shutters open and she ran in, grabbed the first heavy looking tool she could find - not entirely sure what it was called, but it was heavy and made of metal, and went towards the car. 

The panic and fear in the occupant's faces and eyes burned their way into her brain. [color=yellow]"Cover your faces!"[/color] When they didn't react fast enough she took a deep breath, trying to slow herself down. Very consciously slowing her speech. [color=yellow]"Cover, your, faces."[/color]

As soon as they had ducked down she struck the window, it slowly bent in before bouncing back. A second strike, third, fourth, tenth, fifteenth, thirty-fourth, sixtieth. It was a crash-resistant crash but everything had its breaking point as her arm became a blur, and eventually, the glass caved. Disappearing again in an instant she returned the slightly warped, and possibly broken, tool to the garage and grabbed a pile of rags and brought them back to the car. Covering the broken glass to allow the occupants to climb out without shredding their hands. As she was reaching in to help pull the people out she felt a tap on her shoulder, turning to see a man there with a very concerned look on his face.

[color=yellow]"Hey I'm just trying-"[/color]

He interrupted her pointing at the train. "The people on the train!"

Iris turned to look at it before turning back, not quite getting what he meant. Surely they would be fine. It was just one little car - that's when she noticed he was pointing down the track now in the opposite direction. [I]at an oncoming freight train.[/i]

[color=yellow]"Oh hell."[/color]