[center][img]https://cdn.marvel.com/content/1x/004tho_com_mas_mob_03.jpg[/img][/center][indent][sub][color=gray][b]UOU Presents:[/b][/color][color=lightgray] THOR, GOD OF THUNDER[/color][/sub][sup][right][b][color=gray]ISSUE #7:[/color][/b] [color=lightgray]A Soldier's Plea [/color][/right][/sup][/indent][hr][indent][color=lightgray][sub][b]Former Soviet Prison [color=red]♦[/color] Siberia [/b][/sub][/color][/indent] [indent] Somewhere in the frozen north, a bonfire blazed. A prayer to foreign gods rose from an old soldier's throat. A plea for aid. Old Norse was not his native tongue. The words were stumbling, jolted. But it was not the words that mattered, for his soul cried out for liberation loud enough to be heard across the cosmos. Logs at the fire's base split. Runes older than the world carved themselves into the bark, finishing the incantation Steven Rogers had started. As the soldier's consciousness faded, the wind whispered the last of the words needed to complete the ritual. Smoke roiled, and one might swear they saw a shape within. The magic took time to do its work, especially with the amateurish spellwork at play. Though the fire was doused by the prison's guardsmen, the call rang out still. Hours passed. Despite the morning's forecast, it began to rain. Not snow: [i]rain.[/i] White clouds turned to grey. Thunder rolled. The sky split, and lightning exploded in the lumberyard below. A fire far greater than Steve Rogers's first burned, spreading across the entire kindling pile. and then beyond. It burned with all the colors of the rainbow. "For the first time in millennia, men have called on Asgard..." With a voice like thunder, a god spoke from the fire. A god spoke, and then he stepped out unharmed. Silver armor gleamed in the firelight. A crimson cape billowed in the winter wind. Upon his head sat a winged helm, and in his right hand he clutched a most wicked looking axe. In his left, a shield emblazened in red, white and blue. "And [b][i]THOR[/i][/b] answers." He knew not how he came here, truth be told. Minutes ago he had resigned himself to being trapped in Muspelheim for all eternity, only for a doorway to open to...wherever he was. The strangest thing was the object that came through to greet him. A shield clattered across the ashen stones of Muspelheim, paint chipped to reveal a silver star beneath. Thor had brushed away the top layer to reveal the original design. Familiarity tickled at the back of his mind, yet still he could not place where he had seen it before. Hints of memory danced against his subconscious. [i]A red-skulled monster. That gleaming shield. Gunfire. Loki...[/i] It was only as he stepped through the threshold that Thor recognized the ancient ritual that called him. A summoning devised by the viking kings of eld, they had used it thousands of years ago to bring Asgardians to Midgard in times of need. Thor thought its art lost when Odin forbade travel to earth. He'd been wrong, obviously. Something struck Thor in the chest, dragging him back to the present. He blinked, turning toward a group of men rushing across the prison yard, weapons raised. Something else hit him, this time in the cheek. He caught the crunched bullet in his palm as it fell. "Ah," he realized with a grin. "You are shooting me. [i]Me![/i] Ha!" Clenching his fist as tight as he could, Thor lifted his axe overhead and struck it against his armored wrist. A shockwave tore across the yard, flinging snow and prison guards in every direction. A siren began to whine a few moments later, and a man spoke hurried words of warning over a P.A system. High in a guard tower along the wall, a soldier opened up on Thor from behind. His PKP machine gun barked as it threw hundreds of armor-piercing bullets into the god's back. Every round shattered against him, no more threatening than the rain. He didn't so much as stumble under the barrage. With a lazy twist of his arm, Thor launched Jarnbjorn threw two of the tower's wooden legs, sending it careening down to the ground with a loud crash. On the opposite end of the yard, two guards pulled the doors to the prison shut and slammed the locking mechanism into place. A weave of steel bars meant to keep hundreds of hardened criminals locked inside came down over the door. They kept Thor out for about five seconds before he hacked them to pieces. The guards both attempted to run, but the younger of the two proved more cowardly: he shoved his superior to the floor, leaving him behind in the hopes that their attacker would stop long enough for him to get away. "Сука Блять!" The older guard grunted as his face hit concrete. Jarnbjorn flew over his head and impaled itself in the coward's back with enough force to throw him thirty feet further. His lifeless body left a long trail of blood behind it as it skidded across the floor. "Heed me, warrior." Thor placed a boot on the fallen guard's back. "If you wish to see the sunrise, you will tell me where I can find the owner of this device." With a flourish, Thor presented the shield. [/indent]